If you host your images on Flickr, you might have had the ability to pin images from your blog turned off.
Check your Flickr privacy settings: http://tinyurl.com/68hfon
If the "hide from 3rd party" box is checked, it looks like no one can pin images from your site.
You can also test it by trying to pin something - either no images will show up in the Pin window or you'll get "Sorry, cannot pin this image."
ETA: Another factor appears to be the permission setting on the individual photos. If it's set to private (Owner Settings = Only you can see this photo), then it appears that it cannot be pinned either.
ETA#2: You also must also "allow others to share your stuff."
Any one of those can hinder/permit your ability to have hosted images shared via Pinterest. Hope this helps!
Re: PSA for bloggers: Flickr and Pinterest
Thanks! I noticed this the other day , but didn't know how to fix it.
EDIT: Hmm was unchecked but still says they can not be pinned
I'm pretty sure it's related.
Well, bummer. Maybe there's something else at work here?
That's the only box I have unchecked on my Flickr profile and my images were pinnable instantly, after I hit save.
Frustrating, wish all of these websites would stop changing!
Same here
So Tasty, So Yummy
Pagas - when I click the picture of the flautas, I get an error from Flickr:
This photo is private.
Oops! You don't have permission to view this photo.
ETA: that looks like another part of the puzzle. I changed one of my photos from public to private, saved it, and then tried to pin from that post - I got the "sorry, cannot pin image" error.
I am going through an batch editing all the pictures to be public now. If I hadn't paid for flickr, I would switch in a heartbeat. This is annoying.
ETA: thanks so much for sharing this! I think I am all set now.
So Tasty, So Yummy
Just did the same thing. PITA!