We entered the mouse I rescued from a White Elephant exchange at
into a photo contest at Petco, and I would appreciate votes! This is a re-post from a week ago, but you can vote again every day until next Sunday. It would really help me a lot if I won, because my employer has been quite late on recent paychecks and having my pet supplies covered for a while would be great.
You have
to sign into Facebook and Like Petco, then click the green Vote (not
like). You can click cancel when it asks you to share, it still counts the vote. We named him The Doctor (from Doctor Who), so we brought props
along that theme
(if that link doesn't take you to the entry, he is on the bottom of page 18, a mouse sitting on a blue box)
Re: mouse!
I voted! Again!
Go- mousy-go!
He deserves a win after what he's been through!
What did you end up naming him?