phone number. WTF.
DH and I were texting this morning. Then after 9ish he wasn't responding to my texts but I thought nothing of it until I tried to call him and it said "This number is no longer accepting phone calls" and I was like whaaaaaaaaaat?!
I sent him an e-mail and messaged him on Facebook because I was super confused. I even tried to call his grandpa's house to see if he was there (lately he's been doing work for his grandpa like powerwashing and staining his deck, etc). Nope. Finally he messaged me this afternoon that his phone will be shut off until tomorrow because someone tried to steal the number. Ughh...
/end pointless rant.
Re: Someone tried to steal DH's...
You know how thieves can steal the transmitting/microwaves/codes when you use the key fob to unlock/lock your car? Or your garage door opener? Yeah, well apparently they can use a cell phone (without a number obviously) to steal your number and use it on their phone ... so you're paying for their usage. Awesome! (but not really)
Me:32 DH:33
Married Sept 2008
~~TTC Nov 2010~~
Jan 2012 - SA, low numbers and also low T
Mar 2013 - see first Uro - recommends seeing RE
May 2012 - see RE who recommends a new Uro who specializes in MFI
May 2012 - HSG: tubes clear
DH Surgery: 8/30/12- Bi-lateral Varicocele repair
IUI#1:12/19/12-100mg Clomid(CD3-7)(7M post wash)+ progesterone= BFN
SA:1/11/12- 38%motility, 2% morph
IUI #2: 1/21/13-100mg Clomid(CD3-7)(8M post wash) + progesterone= BFP!! EDD 10/13/13
Beta #1=81.1 Beta #2=134.5 Beta #3=58.1 #4=2369 WTH?!-Not sure if its viable
2/21/13 - Went to RE expecting the worse and saw the flutter of the heart...still measuring small. To God be the Glory!!
2/28/13 - heart rate = 147bpm!! Measuring on target!
3/21 - First OB Appt
~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~