We are renting my In-Laws house and they've given us free reign to do as we wish with the house/yard. I don't have any pictures, but I will try to describe.
Facing the house is a curved walkway, steps up to the front door. There's a 3ft drop to the ground from the top of the porch. On one side, we just put in some Azeleas and Hostas. On the other side...well, it's a jungle. It's filled with what my husband thinks is Spanish Ivy. There is some kind of large shrub and a holly bush that is horribly scraggly. I think I could get the holly and the other random bush back into order if I could figure out what to do about the Ivy. I'd like to rip it all up/kill it, whatever and plant either grass or have some kind of garden.
Any ideas how to kill it? What should I expect to find under it? Soil, rocks, hard earth?
Re: Best way to kill Ivy?
Sure, just keep an eye out for any ivy that pops up!
Is this ivy shared with any neighbors?
I don't have ivy, but my neighbors do, and my side of the fence is sunnier, so I'm always fighting their ivy. Ugh!!