I do not post often but I could use some advice. My 5 year old, healthy, male yellow lab has a red "growth" (lump/bump) in between 2 of his pads on his front foot. I noticed it tonight when he was licking it and would not stop. He usually licks/cleans himself but tonight he just would not get off that foot. So I checked it out and sure enough, there is a red bump/lump that has what looks like a pimple on it, in between the pads on his front right foot. He did not get fussy when I touched it or anything. He is eating, going to the bathroom, being his normal self.
I am going to get him to the vet. But, in the meantime to soothe myself, is this common, has anyone seen this before? Whats the treatment?
Re: Dogs foot/pad question
If his licking is making it worse, you can block access by covering that foot with a baby or toddler sock and taping around the top to help hold it on.
When my dog irritated his foot (red, itchy but no bump) the doctor gave us a medicated powder and told us the sock trick for foot bandaging.
I can't remember what it's called, but my dog had one of these as well. It's basically just a little growth. He would bother at it every so often, but mostly left it alone. The vet had zero concerns about it and it eventually went away.
We covered it up with a (non-sticky) bandage when he would lick it.