Please help me solve this problem! Some background info:
Our male cat is 12 years old and healthy. He's been spraying all over the front door and foyer at night. This started about a year ago when the neighbors decided they wanted to feed all the feral cats in the neighborhood. The feral cats walk through our yard and near our front door to eat. I know he feels insecure and upset about this and it's why he's spraying the front door. I just don't know how to get him to STOP!
I've tried:
pheromone diffusers
blocking his view of the outside where the cats are
moving his food over to the front door (he now just pees next to his food)
tin foil on the front door and floor
cleaning with enzyme solutions
keeping him away from the area at night (he cries)
After more than a year of cleaning cat pee off the door and foyer floor, I've had it. We're constantly breathing the cat pee or the cleansers and I'm worried about our baby. I love this cat and I'm committed to him, but I'm at my wits end! Any tips or advice would be great.
Re: Male cat won't stop spraying front door
It sounds like you are trying very hard. And, not ALWAYS a neutering problem.
I'd make sure that all the spots were cleaned with a strong enzyme solution. You can use a black light to see the spots. Check inside the door, outside the door, on your doorstep, around your house, other areas near.
Also, have you tried to move him to a different area of the house for a while.
How many litter boxes do you have?
Lastly, call animal control and have the feral cats picked up. I know that this might not be the popular choice, but if it is causing commotion in your house then I think its a good idea.
Thanks for the advice and for confirming that I'm not crazy for wanting to call animal control.
Try adding another litter box to your home. This way he has other options to relieve himself. I understand that he is marking that area, but it is always a good idea to have more than one box.
Also, look into cat deterrent near the outside of your door. Maybe something like an air can. When a cat walks by the can it shoot of a burst of air to scare the cat away.
Check your local animal control laws. In my area if a cat is outside of the house and is not wearing a collar then it is considered a stray.
You may also want to talk with your neighbors and explain what is going on in your yard. Ask them to bring "their" cats inside. This may not help your situation and could just cause more of a stir if you do decide to contact animal control.