My husband and I are attempting to ready our house for sale. We have a set of stairs in our house that when originally put in had a dark stain put on them. Over the years the stain has worn off in the areas where the steps are most stepped on ( in the middle of each step) and there is a lighter wood underneath the finish. The realtor suggested that we remove the top finish and expose the lighter wood underneath as it matches the other set of steps better. I have been using coarse steel wool to try to remove the stain, but it is incredibly tedious. Does anyone have any other ideas of what might take it up without damaging the stairs? I don't mind doing the tedious work, I just don't want to be doing it if there's an easier way.
The other situation we are having is that in one of the rooms there is a strip of what I I can only describe as glue from where the carpet was attached to the floor before I pulled it up. This strip has to be removed from the hardwood, but it's stuck like crazy. We are trying Goo Gone but it doesn't seem to be bringing this stuff up. Any suggestions?
Re: 2 questions
I dont understand your stair question. Are you trying to remove the stain to expose the bare wood? Then you need a sander, not steel wool. Use an electric palm sander. Once the wood is exposed, you can't just leave it raw, you will have to stain it or at least seal it with poly or something.
Try a razor blade for the glue? It may take up the hardwood finish though, so I don't know...eek.