Why didn't this person just as a moderator/post a message to see if anyone was interested in starting a screen name like this: Because I figured everyone would immediately think I was having some problems (and I am) and wanted to be anonymous.
Why didn't she just go to TIP: I probably will, but since I feel like I"know" people on here, it would kind of like be getting advice from/venting to a friend. You really can't talk to "real life" friends about everything. Some fights/problems shouldn't be shared with family and friends because if you decide not to leave the person, they will always know what happened/never look at you/your spouse the same way.
I promise you, I have no issues with anyone on the board and I am not the troll. I understand and actually now agree that this was not the best thing to do since, if everyone has this password, the troll could screw up what I thought was a good idea.
I know some people think I'm not "woman enough" to use my real screen name to post my problems. I know others have posted fights they've had with spouses, in-laws, friends but I'm just not comfortable enough for that and figured maybe there were other women like me a little too embarrassed to talk about certain things.
I honestly wish I had thought of the "my friend is having a problem/what should I tell her" idea and I feel like an idiot because that idea didn't even cross my mind. Unfortunately, now I can't use that.
I shouldn't be defending myself, since you don't even know who it really is, but I feel like I needed to defend my intentions. I now completely see the view of this being a bad idea, and I'm truly sorry that I brought it up. This idea could have been damaging to the board and I'm sorry. I do just want you all to know I wasn't trying to cause trouble.
Re: To answer the questions.
post your issue here and someone will c &p it over on the tribe and we will give honest answers...
JennyB's Contact!!!