Most Embarrassing Sex Stories Submissions
From Sam&Steven
"I take the cake on this one.Steven and I had only been dating a few months, and I was, how would you say it "servicing his manhood"and I was on my hands and knees with my ass up in the air. When I deep throated his d.ick and gagged and let out the loudest fart you could ever imagine. His response, WOW!! yeah, mortified forever."
His#1 Girl took first place in the contest, however I won't post unless I get her permission because
?You may be smarter than me, but you
have straggly hair?
Stars Bride042404 (90210) and Quesera.
Bride posted about her DH?s friends not so smart
FI. Bride?s DH told her that she should spend more time around less intelligent people and she
said she does, she Nests (I think that?s a funny
barb). The post (which I?m sure was less than
100% serious) was C&P over on TIP. It certainly
riled up quite a few people. Quesera responded
that at least she didn?t have straggly hair which
was a direct comment on Bride. Bride demanded
that they have a ?who looks best? contest, but
Quesera refused to participate.
Winner: Bride because she later bought Quesera
with her heaps of money.
Loser: Bookkeepers.
Re: More ML Newsletter gems
I loved the straggly hair one.
Thee was one about Stellas fighting with someone too, which was good!
late 2005-early 2006 I think. Hillbride and Waitingforbaby were the main writers.
I always remember wishing I was mentioned.
Who wrote it originally?
I wish we had recaps from Stellas' pre-parenting days :-)