This made me LOL
"For those of us who can't even boil water, online recipes are a lifesaver. But when is a simple recipe a bit too simple? Perhaps Paula Deen knows. We recently came across this recipe for English peas on her official site.
Here, word for glorious word, is Paula's recipe: "Melt the butter in small pot and add the peas. Cook over medium heat until peas are warm." Below those words of wisdom is a link that allows you to print the recipe. You know, in case you think you might forget a step.
The recipe by itself is hilarious in a "no doy" kind of way. But what's really great is the collection of comments from readers. There are currently 334 reviews for the recipe, many of them with a level of snark worthy of the most sarcastic teen.
Commenter tr1cky1 wrote, "I clicked on the "Print Recipe" link for this recipe, but my printer only printed out a sheet of paper that read, "Your An Idiot!"...and I can't even reply to it to tell it that it misspelled "you're". Help!"" Commenter mikwitcher posted, "This recipe was really tricky to master, but once I figured it out, it was divine! The secret is to NOT use a cardboard pan to heat the peas." Another wrote, "Come On! How do you open the can??? and do I use salted or unsalted butter????"
A few other choice responses: "intriguing recipe. Too bad I didn't have any peas, so instead I used waffles. I melted the butter in the microwave as I don't own any pots, luckily I'm pretty smart and remembered to take the butter out of its wrapper before putting the whole stick in the microwave. After ten minutes I opened the microwave door and liquid butter ran all over my kitchen counter. I quickly grabbed my waffles to wipe it all up and soak it in but realized I was actually using carrots which are in no way absorbent."
And one more for the road: "Incredible insight Paula. I have lived in England for all of my 49 summers and have never heard of this, UNTIL NOW! You have captured, in a bowl, the complexity, imagination and ingenuity of this proud nation."
Re: s/o What's Cooking