So Gabe isn't back up to birth weight yet. The pedi wasn't immediately alarmed but said yes, he should be gaining weight. The plan involves offering formula supplement more aggressively and meeting with an LC. He is just small and breastfeeding tires him -- he doesn't take initiative if he's still hungry but tired of bf'ing to "ask" for more food. Pedi called him "lazy" (I call him "cuddly").
I wonder if pumping almost exclusively for him is something that we should consider. It'd let us measure what he's eating, plus it will give him (I think) more hindmilk than he's been getting. Does this sound like a good plan or am I underestimating my bf'ing abilities? Of course, the pumping question could be moot b/c I *am* going back to work and they'll be getting pumped milk and formula most of the day, anyway.
I'm asking here b/c I don't know if this LC will be loco or not -- one in the hospital pushed EBF'ing pretty strictly, even tho I can't for long b/c I'm going back to work in a few weeks. There's a good mix of BF and formula moms on here for me to think I'll get good responses
By contrast, Marc is above birth weight and gaining steadily, so I'm at least feeding one correctly, lol.
Any thoughts??
Re: Baby feeding questions/babbling -- thoughts?
that's awesome that they didn't shove formula into your arms and send you on your way. I would go with the flow. omg. no pun intended and let the little guy catch up at his own pace ebf. If your doc diagnoses failure to thrive, then you can start alternative feedings.