So this morning Natalie had a red bump on her middle lower eyelid. I figure it's the start of a stye, and have been doing warm compresses today. Well, now there's swelling in most of her periorbital tissue on the outer edge, and edge of her top lid. Like she has a black eye, but red, and swelling. The eye itself looks fine. No drainage, not red, not itching. Doesn't seem to bother her in the least.
H thinks this is time for high alert, and that I should have her at the doctor's doorstep at 8 am, and that she definitely can't go to school tomorrow....meaning she'll miss her first fieldtrip ever, to a cute little local farm.
I'm of the opinion that I'll see what it looks like in the morning, do another compress tonight, give her some benadryl and see how it looks. Kid seems to have seasonal allergies, and even though it is in one eye, I'm kind of wondering if it is somehow a combo of a stye and allergy.
what say you? Keep her home and go to the pedi stat? Or let her go to the farm, and take her tomorrow afternoon if they even want to see her at all?
Re: ML medics: come on in here
I think the fact that you used "periorbital tissue" makes you more qualified than any ML medic can even pretend to be.
Warm compresses for all!
but I will tell you this. I have taken adam in for styes twice and both times they just sent us on our one-eyed way with orders for compress. which we never did b/c that kid won't let me touch an owie.
hope she has fun at the farm!
Be there when they open for a quick look then take her to school.
Shouldn't you just page Angelaa directly to ask this question? lol / jk
I recall having something similar. I thought it would be a stye (sp) so I waited it out for a few days... maybe a week. It didn't get better or worse and in the end, the optometrist cut it out of my lower lid.
sounds traumatic but it was nbd. I was like 22 years old though.