Obviously, we'll always worry but when did you unclench, just a little bit?
For me it was when he rolled over for the first time. There is actually footage of my mother in the background saying "Oh good Circa, now you don't have to worry about him when he sleeps!"
I knew I was finally over the hump a few weeks ago when he fell from the top of our steps, something I worried about from day one. I think I actually went out of my body for a second, screamed - rushed him to the doctor. He was totally fine. Not a scratch, no bruise - the nurse didn't even believe that he had fallen down the whole flight. I just finally realized that no matter how much I childproof and follow him around and try to make the world safe, things still happen that I can't control. And that odds are, he'll be fine even when bad things do happen.
Re: When did you STOP the over the top worrying?
3 or 4-ish months.
I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief when he turned 1. Like, whew...got through the first year.
I will say that I get these things that I call the "grips of terrors"...for example, I'll be driving to pick up the kids from daycare and I'll be spacing out about the fact their center is behind a high school and what if a freako-student starts shooting up the place and then runs into the daycare to try and hide and takes my kids hostage?
I'm embarrassed to say, that as a huge non-crier, there has been more than one occassion where I've driven into the parking lot and had to sob for about 2 minutes before going in and getting my kids. Yes, sob. About something that is highly unlikely of ever happening.
**Farking Nest** I'll delete the rest when it lets me.
A LONG time. DS1 was a preemie (7 wks early) so I was the biggest worry wart for so long. It probably wasn't until he was like 16 months old and had an appt with a development pedi who told me he was JUST FINE that I felt like I could breathe.
You and I really are a lot alike. This is the kind of thing I would worry about. I just imagine all sorts of improbable catastrophes - not just with Joanna. And then I start to get panicky and have to be like TAMB, GET A GRIP! You've imagined this entire scenario out of thin air!
i do this all the time.
and, uh...i haven't stopped worrying yet. but i've made some progress and no longer think that my children are going to die in the night or be kidnapped.
It stopped about the time they started rolling over and crawling. Once I felt they could fend for themselves a little and not smother if left on their own.
BUT - it kicked in again when DD1 started middle school. The first day of 6th grade was horrible, and I cried all day after leaving her with all those big, mean kids who were probably smoking, drinking, and having sex behind the school building. That kind of worrying still goes on daily (and they're both adults now).
Soon to celebrate the day we met, even if the day before marks when we said goodbye.
I stopped worrying around 19 months? After D's lips got effed up I simply felt zapped. I have never had any concern since. It was all used up in the first 19 months-ish--nothing left to give there.
People have been with me and been nervous for the kids and I am all whatever.
I always thought I was a freak and that there was something obviously wrong with me, because I didn't freak out too much when I was around her. I worry more about her now then when I first had her.
I get these also. I am also not as good flying with him as I was alone.
I never really had the over the top newborn worries. I was way to wrapped up in counting things:)
Daycare is SO exhausting!