My kid is on 3.5ml of amoxicillin clauvanate acid (sp?) twice a day for his ear infection and pink eye. I gave him his second dose at 6:30.
Around 9:30 he woke up crying really hard- he's cutting his two top teeth and it only really bothers him at night. The past few nights I think he was so exhausted from being sick that he slept through it, but now he's feeling better and they're bothering him. Without thinking I gave him a small dose (2.5ml, by his weight he could get 3.75) of pedia care pain reliever (basically Tylenol)
I just realized "Oh hey, dipshit, you just mixed medications for your infant child without even really thinking about it!" Im ready to call into a 24 hour pharmacy and trying to fight the urge to page my doctor at midnight. Dh looked some stuff up online that shows its fine, they shouldn't interact, but I'm not convinced.
Ftr, baby is still asleep and by all accounts seems fine. Still. Fuuuucccck.
Re: Fucccck. Med people/parents- did I screw up??
I don't know
Is this some special kind of antibiotic that can't be mixed w fever reducer? What does the bottle label say?
Mitsubishi (I shiit you not, my phone just autocorrected it's to this. Wtf)
Anyway, it's not anything special... I just didnt know if you could mix an antibiotic with a fever reducer. Because I know nothing about medicine.
:peeks out of lurkdom:
Our pedi had us giving one of my daughters the same medicine and tylenol every four hours for her super nasty ear infection. Everything should be fine.
N is on that same antibiotic right now and I have been pumping the Tylenol in him at the same are fine!
I am surprised your Dr didn't suggest you give him pain meds to help with the ear infection.
I work in the medical field and this is recommend all the time.