I'm looking to hang some artwork on two blank walls of our new bathroom. One on the long wall between our tall storage cabinet and the toilet and another above the toilet. Drawing it out I actually really liked the added height of having 3 vertical 11x14 photographs/prints framed and matted. These are the most recent photos I have online of the bathroom showing the long wall and the toilet alcove.
(long wall)
I want something framed with a wide white matte. It's like to keep the art fairly light and/or white. Searching around I've kind of fallen in love with these prints:
This on the long wall.
And this over the toilet.
I've always loved Sharon Montrose work and I think the ducklings are a fun play on the water theme lots of bathroom art tends to be without being fish or seashells. Plus we always have lots of ducklings on the pond every spring (I always find myself loving art that relates to our home's natural surrounds). The only problem is it's not the ideal size and orientation as I'd like (ie. one horizontal and one vertical instead of 3 vertical). I'm not sure if only one horizontal 11x14 will look kind of whimpy on the long wall especially since the subjects in the picture are so small. And I'm not sure I'm willing to pay the big price jump for a larger size print.
Also do you think baby ducklings are too kiddish for a currently adult bathroom?
Re: What do you think of this art for our bathroom? PIP
I love this but I also love ducklings, I think that it would look great in a bathroom and not too kiddish.
You could always add some nature photographs of your area with the ducklings swimming to mature it a little and fill in some space.
I think its a cute idea. I like the idea of the ducks. It might be a little kiddish but its also pretty cute. I mean look at those little guys. :-)
If you are concerned about the size, could you find similar prints by a different artiest that might work better as far as size and orientation?
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She has some really cool work! I'll have to remember her for when I'm looking for art in a baby room. Super cute!
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LOL thanks for the honest answers. : ) If it matters we're hoping to start TTC later this year and we may just not worry about art right now. As much as I'd like to call it 100% finished it's not really that important.
If anyone has any suggestions please share! I had originally found these cool paintings of gemstones that looks exactly like an actual photograph but they were um...real art by an artist so they cost a fortune and they had sold all of the colors I liked. And they were small. Sharon's prints are so affordable! I've been searching etsy like crazy but haven't found anything that strikes my fancy. Like I said I've been drawn to a white background and a subject/thing being depicted in soft light colors. I like photography or realistic paintings for this room...I don't know why. Watercolors are another option.
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This is what I was thinking. It seems to me like it would be a better fit for you.
i dont know if these fall into your categories as i am the least knowledgeable in the art department, but i bought these graphic prints from jenna sue and i love them, have two in our bathroom:
Ok, I know these don't fit the mostly white background, but I like a lot of the prints on this etsy shop:
May be too vintage looking for what you're going for though.
I love Sharon Montrose. We have 5 of her prints (an arrangement of 4 - the silkie chicken, the piglet, the lamb, and the baby porcupine. And then a monkey on another wall). My h picked out most of them, and we have a lot of animal pieces in our home. That said, the ducklings aren't my favorite of hers, but I do like them. I just think there are other pieces of hers that have so much more personality. I could seriously stare at some of them all day.
As to what you said about the scale, one of my favorite things about her photographs is that many of them are smaller in the framed area. That's why I don't love the new close ups as much I think.
we all fall down sometimes
brass and ballet flats
Kids bathroom? Sure.
Relaxing master bathroom retreat? Hellz no!
I think art is a great place to experiment and I like that you are considering non-typical bathroom stuff. Those prints are not quite my style, but I do think they are cute. (The porcupine is great, though.) The rest of the room seems adult & I'm sure your other accessories will be, so I wouldn't worry too much about the art. However, consider that DH & I have a guest room that looks like it belongs to a tween girl between the kooky art and jazzy floral rug. We don't have any kids and we don't care. It's our house and that room makes us happy.
I am thinking about some of these birds for our bathroom. I love that they look pretty normal, but the titles are a tad "dark" and I know they will make me smile every time I see them. (I don't like the ones with titles/words on them.) http://www.etsy.com/shop/MincingMockingbird?ref=shop_sugg
I like the ducks, I would say go for it if you like them! I have always love this picture by Michael Sowa, I will probably get it once the master bathroom is done.
Thanks for the suggestions ladies! I love those etsy sellers. I'm definitely adding those shops as a favorites. Etsy is getting so hard to sift through to find good stuff with the massive number of pages to look at.
EssBe where do you have all of your pictures hanging? So many people seem to think they are nursery only art. I love that chicken one! I agree the ducks don't necessarily have the most personality. I also really like the white owl, the baby bobcat, the baby deer, the baby fox, and the bear cubs. Of the headshots my favorite is the baby bobcat hands down. I was just looking for something vertical since almost all of her pieces are horizontal. And I don't know going with the water theme in the bathroom LOL. I probably need to stop over thinking this right?
And yes I could always take pictures of our ducklings outside. I try every year and I've gotten a few good ones but these are wild ducks (mallards and wood ducks) so they are very skittish. To get anywhere close I have to sneak up behind a tree and hope the mom duck doesn't see me. I would need another $1K worth of photography equipment to get any more zoomed in than my 200mm lens. Then I also have the problem of the bright green scum (aka. duckweed) in the pond as a background. Not really a great backdrop for photos. I've photoshopped out many things but I think that is beyond my skill especially if it's going to be blown up and hung on my wall. Oh and my camera only makes quality prints up to 8x10 so that is a problem too.
I like them! We had a Sharon Montrose print in our powder room (but coincidentally it was replaced by a large photo of our son in a ducky towel) . Here's what we had in our room, albeit not the greatest pic. Her work does not come off as juvenile to me at all.
Love that! Where did you get that frame? That is exactly what I'm looking for a white white mat and silver chrome frame.
Thanks! I got it at Ikea. It was a few years ago so I'm not sure if they still carry them.
I agree that her work is not juvenile. In person there's so much personality.
We have them all in our living room.
This is a pretty terrible picture, but this is the small wall going into our kitchen. We now have a little collage on canvas and another print there in a small arrangement there.
And then on the main wall in the living room, beside the fire place is where we have the arrangement of 4. It's a big impact and the biggest impact in our LR. My H picked them out as a Christmas gift for me and I LOVE them.
You can see them in this pic
we all fall down sometimes
brass and ballet flats
First of all I want to say that I love the ducks - I think that they are amazing and you should defiantly put it up
We had some artwork in our bathroom (I'l have to get some pics and post them on here for you too see), one of the New York skyline with some weird effect to it and one of pebbles in water. Anyway after a few months the canvases frames started to warp because of the steam and heat in the room. Also the canvases themselfs were ruined because of the steam and the moisture in the air. Basically the moral of the story is if you are going to use a canvas like us...which I must say look very good in bathrooms, I would recommend framing them first to protect them - we sure will be doing next time. Luckily they did not cost too much so it wasn't a massive problem.
Laufen Heaton Moore
For pastel-y, dreamy photography, I like a lot of stuff in this shop: