It's been pretty quiet on the oddball email front lately (in my world) but today I got a fun one!!
Ha trying to helpmy newphew out too find a nice girl hes been thru alot and has a 7 yr. old girl July 28 20004 . he4r name is mckenna hes trying too get his disabily because ofhis right arem. he likes horse'and has lots of wild wolfs He also wons some of then' has two little dogs of his own. He lives with his Aunt *actual name listed* in *actual town* wis 5461 phone number is *actual phone number* PLease call if 7uoiu would like to talk more soon to be divorce.*dude's address* likes to camp, fish ,hunt, wat5ch packers on tv,some of the races,*crazy man's actual name*
Re: OkCupid message of the week
This one at least lives almost an hour from I don't mind stirring up this crazy!!
I'm pretty sure I have to....I mean, he sounds pretty awesome based on that email alone! And he lives in a trailer park....he put the lot number in the email (yup, I'm judgy!) make a valid point!!!
I'm not sure if I'm horrified or jealous.. I almost wish I got messages like this in my inbox..
Think auntie was a little drunk when she wrote it?
It was actually his uncle....seriously, a whole lot of wtf!
DD2 11.17.08
If the trailer is rockin' don't come a'knockin!
They see us rollin'...they be hatin'.
I love the incredibly-specific yet still-vague description of his being on disability because of his right arm. No mention of what's wrong with it. But at least we know it's his right arm, because if it was his left arm, there's clearly no way you'd go out with him.
What does this mean?
Maybe I should ask if he wears one of those really awesome wolf shirts you can buy on Amazon. Please read the reviews if you have some free time and need a giggle!
I'm literally snorting at your make a valid point about the disabled arm. I'm totally down with a right arm disability, but hells to the no if it's the left!
Why did my mind immediately go to Deliverance when I read that post....