1. Is there any chance that Sally will grow up to be a non-basket case? She seems to finally be in a good place with her father, and then she has to stumble in on her date, Roger, getting serviced by her step-grandmother. The poor girl.
2. I couldn't read Peggy during Abe's proposal that they shack up. Was it disappointment that he didn't ask her to marry him? Or is she having 2nd thoughts of the relationship with him? I knew her mom was going to react the way she did. Poor Peggy.
3. How awesome is the chemistry between Roger and his ex-wife? I am hoping they reconcile, but I think she's too smart for him.
4. What was up w/ the convo between Megan and her dad? He said something about her abandoning her dreams and desires and basically selling out, and she totally ended the conversation. What was he talking about?
Thoughts? Observations?
Re: Monday morning Mad Men dish! (spoiler alert!)
Did they age her with makeup? She's only 46 or 47 in real life, but her face looked older. I hope it was makeup. I thought she was too young to play Megan's mother, but she's supposed to be French so maybe that was deliberate.
I didn't realize that! Makes sense...they have great chemistry.
Roger is becoming more and more attractive to me this season. I definitely adore the swaggering Roger. Not miserable-hiding-in-his-office Roger.
1. I think I see that scene a little differently. I don't know if Sally will grow up scarred, or just realistic.
2. I think Peggy wants desperately NOT to be disappointed, but I think she is. I also think she's relieved.
3. I'm scared for Roger. I'm terrified they're going to take his honesty and clarity and turn him into a caricature.
4. Don made reference to Megan's father being a socialist or a communist. I'm not sure if that's literally the truth, but her father seemed hell-bent on making Megan ashamed of what he essentially sees as sleeping her way to the top instead of working for it.
Updated September 2012.
I love the little things in these episodes. My favorites last night -
- Peggy's mom's eyebrows-raised reaction to the fact that "Abraham"' (as she refers to him)'s favorite meal is ham
- Peggy's quizzical look after her conversation with Megan in the hallway when Peggy congratulated her for the Heinz beans win. It was like she realized that Megan wanted her to be a little jealous and she didn't know what to do with that.
- Sally, trying to eat the fish at the banquet. It was the beginning of her realization that grown up affairs might be somewhat distasteful.
1. I feel so bad for her. I think she had a crush on Roger. She looked so sad!
2. I think she was both happy and disappointed. Of course she'd rather get married than just live together, but she also realizes that this is still not him breaking up with her, and it's still him wanting to commit. I kept hoping she'd say something to him about what she wanted, though. If only Joan hadn't said anything, I think she might have been more happy.
I still can't believe her mother told her to get a series of cats until she dies. Not, "Hold out for somebody who wants to marry you," or, "You deserve a real commitment," but, "Reconcile yourself to being an old maid." Shiiiit.
3. I did a double take. I was like, "No, that can't be Mona! It IS Mona!" I agree that she's not going to go back to Roger. She seems happy with things the way they are.
4. I am not sure if this is about her wanting to be an actress, or if something else is going to come about in a future episode. I can't believe her father said that line about little girls spreading their legs and flying away...especially in front of his own daughter, and about Sally when she's so young! Ick!
I loved the last shot. It totally said, "They aren't passing beans down through the generations, they are passing down unhappiness." It was really, really perfect.