1. i'm seriously upset and dreading this format change because i've seen it and it sucks. this is bugging me way a lot. it's making me think that this is all over and i'm going "lose" my "friends" here or something. rational? irrational?
2. the pool guy came to help fix my pool situation (i will not bore you with details). i left a note and asked in person that he please leave going-forward instructions to deal with this issue (i.e., continue running filter 24 hrs/day for awhile, other chemicals, etc.). he did not. i'm pretty pissed about it. very pissed. i left a voicemail (in which i did not sound pissed, but probably sounded pretty intense). rational? irrational?
Re: rationality checks.
1) I would be sad if I lost some of the friends I have on here, especially my good pal sandra (which is what you told me to think of you as once, lol whut?!). I am fb friends with some people I've gtg'd with, though, so I won't lose alll contact
2) I do not think it is irrational to expect a pool guy to tell you, ya know, what to do with your pool after he's been out to help you. wtf pool dude!
1. What format change?
2. Asking for follow up instructions is rational. I can't speak to your tone.
1. LP, ha! i forgot about sandra. i will have to use email to get in touch with people who know people to create a chain of knowledge if this format change is crap. sonrisa, they're changing the layout and stuff. AGAIN.
2. i'm sure my tone was crazycakes for a normal person, but nice for me. i get my own scale. a crazy scale.
tell the truth- did you use your lawyer voice?
Both rational and understandable.
1. Rational and I am starting to twitch a little. I will be a little more than upset if this place dissolves and I can't hang with y'all on the regular.
2. Rational and I would be peeved x 1000.
Seriously, we need a back-up plan people. Where are we meeting tomorrow if the nest implodes tonight? Someone think of something. Right now.