but luckily my H is as passive aggressive as me, so--yea.
Quick backstory: H's family sucks. They don't see X often and they don't care. Whatever. H's has invited his father to come to our house (20 minutes away) and come see the kiddo and have some pizza. His dad has declined since December.
H had lunch with him at the mall in the city where FIL lives. FIL, when asked how come he's dodged coming to the house, he said "I don't want pizza. If +SMACE+ will make me xyz particular food, I'll come"
I almost hit the roof when I heard this, second hand from H. It makes me FURIOUS that FIL refuses to come unless his demands are met. WHO IN *** DOES THIS ASS THINK HE IS? "I won't come until I find the food to be satisfactory?"
Anyhow, I told H that we should invite his dad, SAY I'm making the meal he specifically requested and when he comes over, have pizza and ONLY pizza. was mostly joking but a smidge serious.
I love my husband b/c he thought it was perfect and is planning to invite his dad over soon JUST to fuckwith him.
And yes, I'm an over sensitive whorebitchblablbala. Whatevs.
OH OH AND AND! The other best part: So FIL supports SIL (33 y/o loser extreme) and she's gone missing for 8 days (turns out she's living with a new bf--of 8 days and his TWO kids). FIL opens her mail b/c he pays her bills and learns that she had stolen $1,000 worth of clothes from her (now former) employer and they're making demands that she pay it or they'll sue her in court (why they didn't arrest her, I don't know) he then says SIL is 'cut off' and H says "so, you'll kick her out" and FIL says, "well, no" and then H says "well, what if she needs a ride home from the bar where she works at 4AM" FIL says "Well, yea, of course I'll give her a ride"
Um, that is not cutting someone off.
But yet, he can't visit his ONLY grandson. I HATE HIM SO MUCH WHY IS HE SUCH A LOSER.
ok. I'm done.
Re: I HATE my FIL (no shock there) crap, it's long. Sorry.
Dude, you need a cocktail. A big one with a fun straw and garnishes.
I'm sorry he is such a clueless jackhole.
She moved in with a dude she is dating for 8 days and his kids??
And THAT is his version of cut off?
Ugh. I'm sorry. That would all make me so mad. I like your passive aggressive idea, but I just wouldn't bother inviting him. What an ass.
Ugh, so frustrating!
I would even go so far as just getting frozen pizza. Say it's X's favorite and he can't even complain about it, at least in front of you guys.
Daycare is SO exhausting!
He probably would if his head wasn't so far up my SIL's ass. She brings everything and everyone down and destroys everything. (literally, she's wrecked four cars) I have conflicting feelings b/c I want my kid to know and love all the grandparents he has, but his one grandfather is a fuckingpieceofshit. So, yea. There's no good solution. At all.