Soo i've had a slightly grey tooth for a long time, about 14 years. It had trauma to it when I got my braces taken off. Well, ever dentist i've seen since it happened, atleast 4 different ones over the years have all said "it's fine"
Well, last week it started to feel odd. I poked around it with a dental pic and it really hurt. I saw my current DDS today, he is with my school and is also one of the professors with the dental medicine section. They took an xray and and soon as it popped up on the computer all I thought was "shiiiiiit" So I was right all theese years, the tooth has been slowly dying and has been undergoing root resorption, so my body had basically boken it down in the root from the inside out. The only way to save it at this point is to have a root canal ASAP and they can not even promise it will work, I will most likely end up with an implant
ohh, and of's a front tooth, thank GOD it's its a lower.
Um, I will be a Hygienist in a year, NO ONE wants to see a Hygienist with a messed up tooth!!!
Re: I'm upset about my tooth
Sorry, dental work sucks balls. Just think how good the implant will look when it's done. That's how I try to stay positive about dental work, LOL.
ETA: just saw you may still be able to save it with a root canal. Good luck!
Did those dentists even take xrays? My H and one of his teachers freaked over a stained amalgam filling I have... how do 4 dentist miss that!? That really sucks, sorry you're dealing with that.
If it makes you feel any better, my H says that a lot of the dental students at his school have wrecked teeth... I think it would be worse for you to have a damaged teeth, than a good implant. No one will even know it's not real. Good luck!