It's not TOO early to get excited about the 29th of May is it??? NIMO! Since it's going to be the first time making love to my SO after having our son (April 11th). He's going to be 6 weeks and 5 days old when I go to my post-partum OB check to get the OKAY
I'm not worried about not getting an okay because A) I didn't need stitches and I already feel great! (not quite ready to have sex but almost!) Part of me thinks I don't even need the whole 6 weeks (+5 whole days!) but then another part of me thinks what if I'm still not quite ready by that day?
It's only been not even 3 full weeks since he was born so there's still almost 4 weeks to go from here (: which gives me plenty of time to save up for a special night and HEAL to the maximum!!
I'm hoping to have enough to stay the night in some cheap hotel (so we can REALLY be alone) and have some left-over money for dinner, rent a movie and MAYBE a bottle of wine too going to put on my sexy PlayBoy outfit that I haven't worn since early on in my pregnancy!!! And we'll take things slow and really make love again
The baby will stay at my grandparents' house and I know they'll be more than happy to watch him overnight since they are already practically begging LOL and he'll have mostly breastmilk since I've been storing up just for something like this kind of special night.
Re: SO EXCITED! Special night-May 29<3
abnormal porn; he was getting people to respond to pictures of his junk on Craigslist with bad pictures of them to his email
he started doing it a long time before we met but continued to do it occasionally while we were dating...
Agreed. Once a cheater... always a cheater.
I just looked at your ticker purplepeanut, and today is your 1 year, 3 month, 1 week and 3 day -iversary. Happy 1-3-1-3 day! haha (it's been a long day, I'm looking for the good in any way I can. Please forgive me)
I am going to be very blunt with you because if you are old enough to have a baby, you are old enough to take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Therefore, you are also old enough to deal with criticism which you knew you would get considering your previous post.
Your posts crave for so much attention that i'm almost believing this is MUD again. I think you want people to think that you are some naive little girl so you will get more responses and people will actually pay attention to you and feel sorry for you.
In reality, i am sure that's what you are striving for since your "husband" is too busy posting naked pics of himself to other women & cheating on you with other women. If you act the way you do IRL as you do online, i'd cheat on you too. Grow up.
REAL men don't cheat. REAL men don't post nude pics of themselves on the internet if they are happy with who they are with. REAL men don't do those things when they have a baby on the way. If he's even considering doing things like that which he was and he did, obviously you aren't what he wants and he still has alot of growing up to do. If he's that obsessed with wanting opinions on his private parts and ya'll weren't having sex, i can almost guarantee you he has got it from someone else. After all, didn't you say he always comes home "late from work" or he works "all weekends" and you never get a break? Either you really are a dumb naive young little girl & he's a young dumbass who can't keep his d*ck in his pants, or this is more of your MUD.
If this is a real post, i will pray that you grow some balls & common sense for your son's sake.
^^ Example of stupitidy. She didnt say that pornhub was cheating. She said Pornhub=porn what your dh did= cheating. Your DH is a douche. Ever since my DH and I got together much less since we have been married he would NEVER think of showing off his privates to anyone else. But when you get an STD you will be back here like "OMFG I cant BELIEVE that my DH gave me _____ this is so weird I mean like he would never cheat so IDK WTF happened!".... Grow up
TTA buddies w/ xcitedbride2009
OKAY. What?
Never said SO comes home late from work or anything to do with work because we're both unemployed and with each other 24/7. I know my boyfriend has never cheated on me.
And HOW DO MY POSTS say I crave attention?... That isn't true ): and I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me either. I just look to see what other women might do in my situations or what they have done in the past. I only look to see what kind people might say NOT RUDE ONES!
This post was only about getting some alone time with SO for our first time and about sex after having a baby. Nothing more. So I'm not looking for anyone else's advice or any of that bull. The past is the past for a reason.
And my DB and I have spent everyday since our LO was born taking care of him and each other's needs. I'm very excited to have our special night together (: not entirely sure why anyone is wanting to take this away from me.
So neither of you work, but you have money for dinner out, a hotel, wine, and the weed you're smoking while breastfeeding your son?
I guess that means I'm supporting your kid with welfare, WIC, foodstamps, etc. My husband and I both work to pay for things. But not you guys! You guys enjoy your "special night", courtesy of all the hardworking people on this board.