I left H on January 1st, and I feel like I've come leaps and bounds since then. I was hanging out with a friend tonight, and I was telling her to talk me out of reaching out to H. I was really feeling the urge, so I wrote all my feelings down on paper in a letter to him, though I know he'll never see it. God I felt so relieved. It became really clear to me that I don't need closure from him, and I don't need him to forgive me. I made mistakes in our relationship of seven years, and I needed to forgive myself for those.
I was also able to vent some of my feelings to my friend, and we had a good conversation about it. Telling her some of the things that he had said and done, I have no idea how I was married to him for as long as I was. I know I'm in a good place right now, and every day I'm so happy that I found the strength to leave.
I guess I said all of this just to say, "Woo Hoo!!"
Re: 4 whole months.