Two years ago February, dh lost his job after 15 years. A year ago this month, he got another permanent job (after some long term temping various places, getting a couple of computer certifications, losing weight etc). He's been ok with the job, though it does not remotely use all his skills, and pays about half what he was getting at the last 'real' job. He has been very discouraged at the lack of possibility of promotion, though very grateful for the job and insurance/benefits etc. It was a really hard year looking, but hasn't been a really fun year there either.
So this am, after he left, the phone rang, some woman wanted to know if he wanted to interview for a job at the university. I didn't know he was applying for jobs; I'd suggested it to him a couple of times but he'd seemed to just not want to, and I didn't push; it was hard enough for him to get this one. I'm so excited he's applying for jobs! I forwarded him the message, and he will interview on Monday. Poor guy; he's apparently been applying in secret so I don't get all hopped up about it.
Re: Interesting call this am
I know! He was really cute when I called and asked him "WHO IS JUANITA????" (that's the lady he will interview with).