I feel like I have some anger management issues. I don't think it's depression or anything, but more just being stuck at home with 2 kids every day and then also the lack of sleep.
I should NOT be getting this pissed when my 2y/o wakes up at 5am and won't go back to bed. I shouldn't scream and throw things because I pinch my finger or whack my head on a door. I feel like a toddler myself throwing tantrums sometimes.
I just feel like I should be handling this better or more maturely, but I can't.
We are going away next weekend for our anniversary and I'm counting down the hours. I get away here and there for a couple hours at a time and I work once a week but I just feel so burned out.
I recall posting this same thing when DS was about 10mo old, but I never had the anger issue. Like, I bite things or scream Fuuuck at the top of my lungs. This isn't healthy. Ugh.
I'm embarrassed to even type this.
maybe I just need to smoke a joint...frkls, is that safe while bf'ing? lol.
Re: I think I need help
Call your OB or your PCP. Get in to see them as soon as humanly possible (like, today or tomorrow). And tell them exactly what's going on.
I hope you feel better soon!!
Updated September 2012.
You don't need anger management. You need help with depression. And some sleep.
Talk to your doc.
How old is your kiddo?
This sounds more like a hormonal/sleep deprevation thing. Did you have these highs/lows before kids?
Yup. That's the first sign my depression is rearing it's ugly head: I have a really short temper and absolutely no patience. With anyone or anything.
Agree w/PPs: call your Dr. and tell him/her exactly what you said here.
I guess I should call the doctor. I haven't seen my (shittty) pcp in years b/c I've been going to the ob. maybe I'll call them, but I'm pretty sure I need a referral if they want me to see someone else.
The kids are 28months and 10 months. I haven't had episodes like this before and never felt like I had PPD after either kid. I just feel super stressed right now that DS is sleeping like crap and then gets overtired and crabby.
Sleep deprivation could be a huge part of it. I know when I don't get enough sleep I turn into a lunatic.
Any chance you can get some extra help for a few weeks?
Thanks everyone.
I guess it's just a short fuse/temper rather than feeling sad/depressed, but that's not healthy either. I still enjoy things/people and I do much better once we all get out of the house and do something.
I yelled at DS this am b/c he wouldn't stay in his room and then just felt like the worst mom in the world.
I'll call my doctor. And I'll try to get more sleep too.
I don't know that I'd automatically assume its depression but I would still talk to someone anyway. I have a short fuse lately too. I'm not seeing any signs of my life being affected by depression. I'm just sleep deprived and I do most parenting alone.
Okay, so, I'm you with schit like this, okay? I'm PSYCHOTIC if I don't get enough sleep, and I felt all of the anger and frustration you feel.
Anti-depressant/anxiety medication helped a ton. So did sleep training the kid.
And (this is going to be the most controversial, so anyone can flame me if they feel necessary), I *needed* to get away from Will as much as possible. Going back to work? Best day of my life pretty much.
I couldn't handle being around him that much (a lot of it was short fuse/sleep deprivation/depression), and going to work made me feel human again.
Is it possible for you to work more frequently to give yourself a break? Because I feel like it might do wonders for you.
Finally, (((((((MASSIVE HUGS)))))))
I could have typed this same message about 6 months ago. My OB put me on a low dose birth control because I strongly suspected it was hormone based and all of my tests came back in the normal range. It has made a world of difference to me. My husband and my kids both have noticed the difference. I probably have some depression going on too but the symptoms are managed so much better now that I don't feel like it's necessary to try anything else.
Another thing I noticed is that I would get way rage-y if I had od'ed on sugar throughout the day or haven't had enough protein in my diet. Just something else to think about. You're not alone.
This is me too. My H helps when he's home, but I do it by myself all day every day until he gets home to help. He works a part time job and runs a business, so I try to handle the sleeping issues, although he's picking up on my stress and letting me stay in bed a little more.
I guess I'll call my ob and see what they say.
thanks! I can't get more hours at work, but I really look forward to the day I get to go. I bought a groupon for yoga classes so I am going to start that soon. That should help.
He was a fantastic sleeper until he started climbing out of the crib and now he's up and out all the time. The baby sleeps great and if I do have to get up to nurse her she goes right back down and I can fall asleep again.
Are you opposed to putting him in a toddler bed and doing some (CIO) sleep training?
If not, I cannot say enough good things about the Sleep Easy Solution. That book/dvd *seriously* saved my sanity.
Having two young kids is no joke. It's really hard and the sleep deprivation makes you feel like you could snap at any given second. I've recently gotten on Zoloft and it's made a world of difference with how I deal with the kids. I still get irritated at times, but no where near where I was a few months ago. It's made me a little calmer when we go out, not as worried about everything, and it's made me better able to enjoy them and be a fun mom. I'm not saying this is the route you need to go, but I'm just saying it worked for me. I'm even thinking I could benefit more from a higher dose.
ok. I know exactly what you're talking about.
I am struggling with this SAME thing right now. (actually, it's been better the past week or so... for some unknown reason?) I totally understand how crazy the anger makes you feel. It's terrible. ox I'm so sorry you're in the middle of these feelings right now. For me, weaning off the bf/pump helps me a LOT. That *** messes with my hormones so bad! Also, being tired exacerbates the entire cycle of anger soooo bad!!
Getting out helps a lot, but sometimes it makes it harder to come back home when you're feeling so resentful and upset. Always makes me feel like a bad person... but talking about it... irl... on here... over and over again.. it does seem to help. Trying to have a sense of humor, even the slightest bit, is a huge help for me, too.
Do you know where your anger is at, or is it just general feelings of rage? It's very normal to feel resentment (even toward those we love so much!!) during the pp time.
It's ok. Talk to your Dr.
PM me, too!
Hes been in the toddler bed since December. I do need to be better and not give in to the "one more song, one more book, hug, etc." Occasionally I have to lock him in his room because he will come out a million times.
Thanks. Just talking about it here and to my mom and H helps a lot.
The anger stuff is just general. I just feel like I get way too pissed off if I drop something or get my finger caught in the glider, lol. I don't really feel resentment although I sort of hate my dog. I'm "that" mom who hates the dog after she has kids and that makes me sad.
I think the monotony of SAH is getting to me.