So my H had major surgery about a month ago. When they brought me back to the recovery room he saw me and started smiling and pointing like this:
Which was odd because he didn't have his glasses on and I was a good 20 ft away when he saw me. Whatever. I'm glad he knows who I am even though I look like a blubbering, crying mess.
When I get bedside he takes his oxygen thing off and gestures for me to come close while whispering "come here HungryCaterpillar" which is also odd because he NEVER calls me by my first name.
As soon as I get close enough he grabs the back of my neck and starts hardcore making out with me and I'm trying to gently push him off/put his oxygen thing back on but he's being all sloppy and weird. I get him to lay back down but he continued taking his oxygen thing off and reaching for me while jutting his neck out like a deranged turtle and pursing his lips for kisses.
Needless to say the nurse kicked me out pretty much immediately.
Re: S/O Strange behavior after surgery
that is freaking awesome!
I heard that the way people act / what they say when they come out is actually, like, really what's going on amplified by a billion
so, your H is really into you!
I'm totally bossy when I wake up.
Further proving angelaa's theory
Awww. This made my day.