H is making dinner because I'm in allergy hell.
He asked me "what would you like in your salad?"
I asked "what are my choices?"
He listed them
I asked if there was green onion and he said that was all that was in the salad so far: romaine and green onion. I told him that was perfect.
He brings my salad and dressing to me and there's cucumber and mozzarella cheese in it so I say "Hey, I think you brought me your salad, I'll go grab mine."
"no, that's yours."
"oh. Um, did you already have them made when you asked me what I wanted in mine or did you go ahead and make it the way you wanted after you asked me, lol, you weirdo."
And, uh, he kinda fcuking flipped out on me. He said it was already made and he's sorry he fcuked up my salad.
I said "it's all good, I was just a little confused and thought you were being a goof. This is fine, let's eat."
"I asked what you wanted on your salad and you said you didn't care."
(see above)
"that's actually not the conversation we just had. Are you ok? Let's just eat, everything looks great."
The whole aspergers thing keeps looking more and more real.
Re: I have no idea what just happened here
I foresee you guys communicating through text
What is wrong with him, Ang?!
That kind of stuff happens over here too. lol.<--I am laughing at my life.
The miscommunication, the failure to connect.
Let's commiserate.
I'll pay for the sitter and bring the wine!