I hope everyone had a good weekend! Mine was ok..I had a hangover ALL Sunday and seriously did not move from the couch except to pee. My back and neck are extremely sore and sitting in this chair at work is killing me, good thing I brought my huge bottle of advil with me.
I think my husband is having a breakthrough! On Saturday his best friend Steve came over and stayed the night. Well that evening we got on the subject of Prop 8 ( for me that is a very bad subject, I get very defensive about it, but I try not to get angry ). Steve begun telling Terence ( husband ) that one of his friends were homosexual and Terence was so shocked...he had hung out with the both of them numerous times and had no clue. Now my husband isn't against homosexuals, but being raised by a woman who thinks they are 'evil' and should all go to hell....he just doesn't like it. So now that my husband realizes that he himself had hung out with someone who is homosexual and didn't even know it...I think he's starting to realize that there is NOTHING wrong with it...I was so happy that Steve said that.
So next weekend my SIL is coming to stay the night. She is 15 going on 16 in Dec. but seriously acts like shes 2. I love her to death and shes soo sweet but sooo annoying. She is a sophmore this year, but they took her out of public school and into home schooling freshmen year. She has no friends and she is so spoiled. It's amazing to see how much sheltering a child can hurt them, and it sucks because this kind of thing is obviously very touchy with a parent, so I have never said anything because it definately is not my place. If you ask her a question, she seriously just stares at you and acts like you tried to kill her or something, she won't answer. Or says "i don't know" for EVERYTHING > "are you hungry?" "I don't know"...ok seriously how do you not know if your hungry? She cries and throws a tantrum if you ask her to pick up after herself, like putting her plate in the sink. What her mom doesn't realize by sheltering her so much is that she's ruining her social skills, and she has no idea about the real world. She thinks that she is going to get a job after college so she can start paying for it and save up to move out....how she expects to pay for books and all that is beyond me because her parents aren't. There's a lot more to this but its already pretty long. Basically just wish me luck that I don't tear out ALL of my hair by Sunday.
Oh another thing I just remembered. His parents are going to be losing their house in April, they don't have the money to pay their taxes. So they want us to move in and pay $700 for 1 room! We pay $750 for a whole house and its in the same town that I work/Terence only drives 15 min. to get to work. We would have to pitch in on groceries, electricity, etc. So overall, we would be paying even more to live in 1 bedroom that we wouldn't even want to come out of. Everyone is pressuring us to do it and I'm going crazy. There's no way that we are going to move in, but it's hard to come up with a way to say No. Husband thinks that if he says no, then he's saying I don't care if you lose your house. My question to them is, why ask the Newlyweds, why not ask your other son who isn't even engaged to move back in? Terence is hoping that they just forget they asked so he won't have to say no. His brother sees no problem with us moving in...so stupid. I'm not going to move in with a psycho mil, and a spoiled lazy sil ( who we would have to share bathroom with ). Next time I'm asked face to face ( I never was, she went only to my husband ) by them, I'm flat out saying No. My husband doesn't want to hurt anyones feelings but I just don't care anymore...
On a good note, my boss told me to start learning how to do A/R for the other half of the business and I will get a raise..sweet. We have a landscape side and a maintenance side. I take care of the maintenance side, my sister the landscape side. Its more difficult for the landscaping portion because of Joint Checks, lean realeases, etc. so I'm pretty excited about that.