So we had my moms party, it was great, she WAS surprised.
So the crazy aunt, I did not call her back or get her anything special to eat. My other aunt (the party was at her house) made a baked ziti to appease the PIA guests.
So at the party crazy aunt is looking at the food and says to me "ohhh, it's shreded meat, not ground beef, I CAN eat that" and I just gave her a look and walked away. So then we're all sitting and eating and she yells across the room to me and says "heyy, did you get my message about the cheeseburger??? I heard you had 3 exam that week, you must of gotten my message while you were studying" then does an evil/crazy laugh. I said "yes it was during ym exams, and that is why I chose to ignore it" YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HER FACE!!! haha
Also, I almost punched her in the face later in the party. Recap= she is the aunt who left me a VM to RSVP and said she would come to the party even though her kids didnt throw a 65th b-day for her. So I knew she was all jealous about the party.
Well, I bring out the cake and we all sing Happy B-day. She is sitting next to my mom and I am standing next to her. Right after we sing and before my mom blows out the candles, crazy aunt says loud enough for people to hear "I hope people remember this party when MY b-day comes, I'll be 70 in four year" I wanted to smash her!!! WHO does stuff like that thankfully, my mom didnt hear her. What a B
Re: F/U to crazy taco allergy aunt
She sounds like a real pill, for sure.
Yeah that's right my name's Yauch!
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