backstory: DD # 1 was sick for 16 days with pneumonia, I took off a ton of work to take care of her. She was better for 2 days and then DD #2 came down with strep so I had to take off more days from work.
finally got both kids back to school this week and DH ends up with pink eye yesterday. and he is being such a baby about it. I know that he can't be near the kids and handle anything that he can infect.
he has spent most of the day downstairs, which is fine. I went down there to remind him to wash everything he touches.
His response really pissed me off. he told me I needed to chill.
i am so tired i want to cry. I have had zero time to myself. I almost wish I could catch pinkeye so that I can crawl to the basement and not have to do anything for three days.
I may DD this because I feel like I should be able to handle family illnesses.
Re: Am I being an a$$ or is dh over-reacting?
You're tired, you need a break, I wish you could have three days off too.
Glad your kids are feeling better.
Dude, I would be ready to kick his pink-eye ass to nearest motel 6. When I had a stomach virus a few years ago, I was wiping down everything I touched constantly and constantly washing my hands. I did not want anyone else to get it and I didn't want my H to have to worry about it in addition to taking care of C.
And, I would tell him "well, if you are so worried about infecting the rest of us, then you will have to be cleaning up behind you. Thems the breaks" finished with a big smile.
Yeah, he's a douche.
Family illness sucks.
Hand him a canister of Clorox wipes and leave it at that.
Men are such babies when they're sick. Pink eye sucks, but still.
He's being a butt munch. You're being completely reasonable since you've spent the last 2 weeks plus taking care of sick people.
If it makes you feel any better, if I were you, I probably would have either lunged at DH's throat or started throwing things at him.
Next time he gives you attitude, spray him in the face with lysol.
This is the obvious solution.