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Issues with neighbor's dog (a bit long)*****UPDATED
I've been lurking here a while and you all seem like sensible people. Maybe you can give me some suggestions.
Re: Issues with neighbor's dog (a bit long)*****UPDATED
I would but not sure what you are asking?
Well. Actually, that wasn't long at all.
Whenever I hear Chesh's IRL name I think "Scissor" --MontereyBride
Well, I'm a huge fan of brevity!
Okay, let's try this again.....
I live in a townhouse with no fenced yard and my neighbors chain their dog up to a pillar on the back porch.
He's fairly good and doesn't bark much, but he gets loose from his chain or bolts out the door and they don't chase him down.
The first few times it happened, I brought him into my own house because they weren't home and it wasn't a problem, but it keeps happening and they seem less and less interested in coming to get him.
Now, I need to decide if I'm going to keep letting this poor fellow into my house or if I'll just leave him hanging outside and deal with my guilt about what could possibly happen to him.
If my dog were to get loose, I'd be hysterical, but they don't seem too bothered by it and have left him outside overnight. There have been a couple of times I've brought him in after midnight because I couldn't stand his sad little face.
Once, they left him outside during a thunderstorm and left the house, so I had my husband unchain him and bring him in. That might have been crossing a line, but he has no shelter and I felt bad for him.
Anyway, suggestions are appreciated. Sorry about the posting issues!
Yep. What they are doing is wrong, call the authorities and report them.
I wish I could keep him. I'm already exceeding the allowed number of animals on my lease with my own 2 cats and 1 dog.
The only reason I haven't called animal control is that I'm so worried he'll be put down if not picked up in time. I feel really terrible about what's happening to him.
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