So I am finally getting around to actually using the computer and not the ipad or my phone because its much easier for me to do this on the computer!
Anyway, I did have my baby about 2 weeks ago and he is just perfect!
Here is the brief version of Preston William's birth:
I was due on Friday April 13, which came and went with no issues. We had another Dr appt on Monday (16th) to see how things were going. I had been feeling a ton of movement over the weekend so I figured we would just be sent back home to wait some more and maybe talk about setting up an induction date if nothing happened by the end of the week.
Well, I was wrong. My Dr gave me my ultrasound as usual (he has his own machine) and then asked if he could do an internal. I said yes because I wanted to see if anything was going on. As it turned out I was 3cm dilated an apparently I had lost most of my fluid (I didn't realise how dangerous this was until after the birth). Since Dr's office is actually in the hospital I was going to deliver in he sent me right upstairs to have a trace done to monitor the baby's heart rate. If it was ok I could go home for the night and would be induced the next morning, if not I would be induced that night. That was a bit of a shock for me and I was glad DH was there with me.
We go upstairs and have the trace done and the baby is doing well, so I was told to come back at 7am the next morning to be induced but was to come back immediately if I had any pains or contractions, etc.
We get through the night, DH sleeping peacefully and me being awake on the couch all night and go to the hospital at 7 am. They immediately start me on pitocin and the Dr broke what was left of my waters. This cause a lot of pain! I tried the gas but I don't think it really did anything for me and I didn't really like it. So I ended up with an epidural.
12 hrs later and 2 hrs of pushing baby Preston was born!
I will just say that I am thrilled with the level of care I received from my Dr and the hospital in general. My Dr was in the delivery room with us for at least 1 1/2 hrs until he was born. then they gave him a quick check and left us in the room for about 2 hrs to bond as a family. It was so great, and the midwives at the hospital were just amazing!
Re: I had a baby (this is a little bit late!)
Sorry for the huge photo! I'm not sure how to fix it.
Oh, and he was 7 lbs 10 oz and 21 in.
2012 Reading Challenge
Now Nesting from Chicago, IL My nail blog:
What a cutie!!!
Congrats! I don't think I would've been able to get any sleep knowing that I had to go in at 7am to have a baby either.
Cecilia arrived 12 October 2012
BFP Apr 2012, EDD Dec 19 2012 * twin h/b at 6wk, 9wk scan * Baby A lost at 12wks, Baby B was my rainbow born at 36wks
He's just precious! Congrats to you and your family!
Congrats! He is so cute!
Aww, adorable!
I like the name Preston and here's why:
Can't Hardly Wait is one of my favorite movies ever. The lead character (played by Ethan Embry, yum) is named Preston. When Jennifer Love Hewitt is going around the party asking where she can find this Preston guy, she asks these two stoners who are sitting on lawn chairs eating watermelon.
Anyway, I like it when he yells "Pres-TOOONE!"
My Israel Blog!
#1-BFP 08-22-09 ~ M/C 08-31-09 at 5 weeks 6 days
#2-BFP 08-6-11 ~ Due 04/18 ~ born via c-section April 22, 2012
My Blog