Background: we sign an evaluation contract with the students at the beginning of each semester, about the elements that will be marked (papers, exams, etc). After the first exam, considering the low average, I offered to modify it slightly to consider the best of both exams (add/substract a 5% depending on which was best for each student). Everyone agreed, because it is advantageous for all.
Well now, I have a student who is pissed off about his A- and wanted me to give him extra points on his team project because he worked harder. I told him I had no basis to do that, and that it was against the contract and unfair.
SO THIS AZZHOLE comes into my office today (he asked for an appt to see his final) and tells me that he will file an official complaint that i didn't respect the contract. I tell him "But it makes no difference for you! You'd get A- either way"
Azzhole "yes, but it will decrease everyone else who didn't deserve it because they didn't study hard enough for the mid-term and ended up with the ame mark as me".
I told him fine, do whatever you want. Then he is all "Well, I don't want to harm you because you were my best prof. So why not just give me two extra points to forget about all this?"
OMG, the fuckingnerve. I told him that would be dishonest and unethical and I don't do that.
Thankfully, I just spoke to the head of the department and he said not to worry, that there are always azzholes and that he has no recourse, and I will not be blamed for anything.
Trust me, I will never ever again make a change TO HELP the students. or if I do, I'll make sure to resign the stupid contract.
Re: OMG, I am so angry (work related)
Yeah, students are all assholes.
BUT, I did have an 86% changed to a 90% this week from one instructor who decided that our community project was graded unfairly by the client. (The college had asked to keep a copy to highlight our program, so she was super disappointed and confused by our client's grading).
I was so happy she changed it because it was a HUGENORMOUS project.
Well, he's clearly a bag of dicks.
I told him fine, do whatever you want. Then he is all "Well, I don't want to harm you because you were my best prof. So why not just give me two extra points to forget about all this?"
That is really ballsy of him to say this, too. Good grief.
I'd call his bluff and send that straight to whomever is in charge of student ethics standards.
Yeah that's right my name's Yauch!
Seriously. He tried to blackmail you into raising his grade. No effing way, jackass.
Sounds like he's got a great future in politics.
Don't sweat it.
"I don't want to harm you"??????
Jesus. What a dickk. Uh, no.
I just had two beers at lunch with my work friend and am much calmer, lollollol.
Like I said, thankfully my boss is on my side, threatening is not acceptable and basically he can go eff himself. I sent him an email saying I followed the verbal contract and that he can take any measures he believes are right. Department head said that if a complaint letter falls on his desk, he will just reply saying the complaint is not founded, end of story.
Oh and the student sent me a 2 page email in response to my email, about what is right and wrong, he should really go to law school. He ended it with "btw, you are still an amazing professor, one of very few, but in the future you should add something to the contract saying it couldbe changed verbally during the semester". Ugh, at least he liked my teaching?
My work friend is in the office next door, and was hearing the noise and said she was about to just come in and see if there was a problem. I feel like such a rookie here. I should have put everything in writing to cover my ass.
This takes me back to my college days. I remember being a bag of diicks.
It was a huge project and both of my team members flaked out on me- both skipped the presentation and were supposed to send me slides and they sent me two pictures each.
Ugh. I hated group projects.
But, yes, Papie, you did the right thing!
I sent the last email to boss who said that no reply is necessary.
probably the more prudent course of action.