I went in to get an IUD put in and wasn't too worried about it. When the nurse put me in the exam room she got out the equipment and then left me to wait for the doctor. I decided to take a look at what she had laid out. Big mistake! This is what I saw:
WTMF is that thing for? Why is it both curvy and pointy? Why, why do you need that? The thought of that thing poking me in the cervix nearly had me putting my pants back on and running out of the office.
When she got ready to do the procedure I clasped my hands together and held on for dear life, sweating like a mofo, and waiting to die. The nurse told me I was breathing too fast and to slow down, asking me if it hurt or if I was just expecting it to. I told her I was expecting it to hurt and then the doctor piped up that she was already done.
Oh. I guess it wasn't bad after all.
I will never look at my own medical equipment again. I clearly can't handle it.
Re: freaked myself out at the dr today
I think that's why they cover the equipment lolol I'm sorry
I believe that one is something to do with grabbing the strings and trimming them. I hope the IUD works out well for you. Me and the Mirena did not get along well at all. Ugh.
My father's favorite quote is something by Mark Twain to the effect of, "I worried more about things that never happened."
I find this to be most often true with medical stuff and procedures.