Anyone know about this? MH has proliferative diabetic retinoapthy.. He had three virectomies ( retina detached) in his left eye. Pretty much no vision other than shadows. His right eye has macular edema (swelling of retina) He can still drive since you can legally drive with one eye. (scary, I know) He is having a dye test tomorrow on the good eye to see if he needs injections or laser. I worry that his right eye will go because then he will be on disability. He is only 34. sad i know.
He also has some microalbumin (protein) in urine which i believe is the precursor to kidney disease. He says it doesn;t mean anything but I wonder how long till he is on dialysis. I also read there is correlation between the eyes and kidneys. I am very worried. We are separated currently because I pushed myself away from him after watching him for years neglect his health.. He has not tested since he is about 16 years old. Until I left him. This finally got him to start testing and stop telling me to mind my own business. I worry about the future of myself and five year old.. I mean with his eyes progressing like this, how long till he can't work?? Yet, I feel guilty cause its "in sickness and in health" right?? Anyone know about this and just how dangerous it is?
Re: Diabetic Retinopathy
Did you used to go by the screen name Disney? If so, I am familiar with your situation.
Protein in the urine is not necessarily a precursor to kidney disease, but obviously he should have his kidneys checked. Usually people are not put in dialysis until their kidney's are functioning at less than 10%, so your husband probably has a long way to go before this point.
I work for an ophthalmology group. Unfortunately, this is what can happen when your sugar is uncontrolled for a long time. That's why we recommend eye exams every 6-12 months for diabetics. I've read your other posts on TIP and your DH sounds like he hasn't taken care of himself for a long time.
What's done is done. He can keep it under control now, but the retina is comprised of very small blood vessels- they can leak very easily if stressed.
I don't know the correlation with the kidneys, sorry. I'm a technician, not a doctor!
Here's a reputable website!
As a Type 1 diabetic I am aware of these conditions but fortunately do not have any issues yet. I have a great Diabetes Educator, who I see in conjunction with an Endo, I find the info I get from her much more practical and she has more time to answer my questions. is a good website to find basic info and might be able to help you find a specialist/educator in your area.
My DH goes to all appointments with me, but his knowledge is very limited compared to mine, the support is important but like anything the way it's approached is also important. Good luck.