I have been having a lot of symptoms of low thyroid--constantly tired (even if I sleep 12 hours a night) and could literally fall asleep at almost any moment, sudden weight gain (20 pounds in less than 2 months with no change in any part of my life), hard time losing weight (even though I exercise and eat healthy), extremely emotional, memory fog, constipation, dry skin and nails, and sudden heavier cycles (which started right before all the weight gain).
I had it tested at my annual gyno visit and I got the results back today. It's a 1.83 for my TSH level which is within the normal range of 0.4-4.0.
Now I'm really frustrated. I'm having all the symptoms and apparently I'm fine. I don't know what to do now. None of the symptoms are normal for me and I'm tired of having to deal with it every single day.
Re: Thyroid Level Results
I'm not sure if she would. She seemed to think I was just trying to blame being fat on something.
My doctor moved and it was my first visit with her. When I was telling her about my symptoms, she told me it's because I'm going to school full time and working and tried to blow it off. Then she told me that I need to track my food and exercise (which I have been since before the weight gain). I broke down crying because I was so frustrated and she finally agreed to send me for a test.
I'm not sure that I want to go back to her and I don't have a PCP.
Did they only test your TSH? TSH isn't the only indicator. You can have a hypoactive thyroid and have TSH within normal limits. I'd ask to have your T3, T4, free T3 and free T4 tested as well.
What was her plan for following up? I mean, you have these symptoms, and the test was "normal" so where do you go from here? If she's not willing to do some more tests and look at other potential causes, I would definitely look for a new doctor.
Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
I have been tracking my food and exercise. As far as sleeping, I always get at least 7.5 hours.
I really don't know what caused all of this. It all started at the same time. I have struggled with my weight for 7 years and it always seems like I'm never losing weight, but gaining that much weight that quick just blows my mind.
ETA: I just realized that it was over 3 months (October to December) and it really surprised me because I only had one Christmas cookie and I never ate more than usual at holiday meals. I also eliminated most alcohol in my diet during that time.
They only tested my TSH.
She told me that if I did have issues, I would have to contact my PCP (which I don't have) to help regulate it.
Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
I know I need to. I'm planning on moving pretty soon, so I hate to have to switch doctors again.
Thanks for the info! I will definitely look into that!
I would also get your vitamin levels tested. I recently got tested and found to have a hypothyroid condition (still in the middle of doing some tests so we don't know what is causing it - my thyroid is also enlarged). Anyway - additional to my thyroid problems, my vitamin D levels are like off the charts low (13). Low vitamin d levels have been also linked to things like depression, weight gain, dry skin and fatigue. If you live in the northern hemisphere and in area that doesn't get much sun, it is likely that you may be deficient. We don't get much of our vitamin d from our diet. It's worth a shot to get that tested as well.
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