Because vampires and werewolves would be so much eaiser to deal with it seems like than somethings in life.
I emailed the old BF (post XH) to get closure yesterday. I got a very shocking reply. No other girl. No scared of my daughter. No past issues/not ready. Nothing to do with me personally at all. I was shocked with some news of serious issues not easily fixed nor not always personally addressed - sorry, I said I would not tell details. I can't fix it. He can try with help, no guarantees. Last night was the worst of it - worse than not knowing maybe - as it was/is a major shock to me.
I know I had posted previously on here about joining match, talking to a guy, and then canceling. I am not ready. My heart has not healed. The old BF was not a rebound - he was my should have all along. In fact, after time and reflection (before all this) I knew I never truly loved my XH - I wanted to and had a major infatuation - but I don't think true love. I love this guy. I have known him all my life and hate that this is happening to him and there is absolutely nothing I can do. Nothing. I hope time heals us both. But in the mean time it sucks. I am completely functional, had fun with DD today, type of OK though. I am happy that I can be strong to know that this issue is one for after bed and my personal life - but it still sucks.
So drinking a beer, eating popcorn, working my my work proposal for Monday, and delving into the world of vampires and werewolves again.
Re: This is why I watch/read the Twilight saga...
I am sorry you are having a hard time. It's a terrible feeling when you give your heart to someone and they don't give theirs in return. I completely understand your feelings regarding your XH. I am in the same boat but am still married. I can't seem to muster up the courage to do anything about it though.
Hang in there! I think time does heal, sometimes it just takes a lot of it.
Apr 15 2012 Half Marathon 2:05
It was a weird post title - but I was watching that movie - I just feel like fantasy problems are easier than real life. Basically it would have been easier if his email said he was a vampire or something, lol.
I dated someone, a friend first turned BF, after my divorce and he kind of just slowly dissipated contact until finally I didn't hear from him for 2 months. I finally emailed him for closure and the response was basically he is going through something very serious that is out of his control. Again, I promised not to tell details to anyone and feel that even though it most likely won't get traced back here - needed to share - but still do not want to tell his exact situation.
I am trying to not be frightened of what could happen as well as understand that it will and cannot ever happen for us due to this. Especially since I have DD. So it is/was pretty heart-breaking. Plus I still love him, and always will even just as a person/friend and don't want anything bad to happen to him or for him to go through this either. Dealing, but it will be awhile before I can completely let go I feel.