Don't continue reading if you don't want to hear about poop.
All day Friday DS had diarrhea, but we kept it contained to his diaper. Except when he sat on Ella's light purple rug and it seeped out.
Then yesterday I thought we were all clear until right before bedtime when I put Ella on the same (cleaned) rug for one minute after her bath while I grabbed her pjs and diaper. Turn around to 2 big turds smashed into that pretty purple rug again. (she had been sitting on a towel btw but that girl won't stay put)
Then there was this morning. We walked into jacks room to find shiit everywhere! A giant pile on the floor, seeping through the cracks of his wood floors. It somehow managed to get on the baseboard and wall too. f-ing disgusting.
I needed a drink before 7am.
Update: H had DS all morning and I decided to run to the mall with DD. well, I found $10 in a pair of jeans I havent worn in a while! Then, a super cute dress I wanted for DD was on clearance. I also got myself some nice earrings. Much better way to end my day. Now everyone is napping : )
Re: Shitttiest weekend ever! **updated, lol**
They really are lucky they're cute because I'm pretty sure they would have been put in a "free kids" box by now.
Thanks guys. After I told my mom about the poop last night she said at least it wasn't diarrhea. I blame her now for this morning's events.
H took DS out and I'm waiting for DD to fall asleep so I can just relax but she's refusing to sleep. Oh, and our 5th anniversary is Friday so we are both getting the hell out of here, for one night at least. I cannot wait.
We call these types of events: poonamis.
I'm so sorry.
They "joys" of motherhood, eh?
that's all i have.
I am horrified and laughing (not at you), but you know what I mean.
When something happens that's just so ridiculous you can't help but laugh and cry. I've been there many times. Kids are fuuuun.
Hope your week is smooth sailing from now on out.