My H recently retired and so his normal income is not there anymore. We've been married almost 11 years but we are still figuring out the basics of this new dynamic. Right now from my paycheck I send money to our retirement, my fun money/gas money, our joint acct for groceries etc, my kids savings accounts, my car savings account and now I want to start direct depositing X number of dollars a pay period.
His only "expenses" are gas (he rides a motorcycle most of the time unless he is picking up the boys and needs a car), occasional dinners out with his motorcycle friends, little things.
He seems to think that $100 a week will get him by but I don't know if that's reasonable or not. Any ideas or thoughts about what we are missing in this equation or what sounds like it would work are welcome... thanks!
Re: Need your feedback on reasonable amount of spending money....
Do you think that's too high or too low?
It really depends on your lifestyle.
I think it will take you a few months to normalize.
Why not start with $100 per week. If he spends less it can always be saved for some weeks that cost more. You can always adjust as things go on.
I don't think I spend $100/week gasing up my minivan. LOL
$100/week of "fun" money seems a lot to me but I'm a cheap-o.
Thanks all... we'll probably start at $100 a week and see how it goes... I just don't want to ever have him feel like he doesn't have any money or feel weird about it... so I'm trying to be proactive!
Trust me, I'm with you... my $350 pays for two $50 tanks of gas per pay period, a few clothes (obviously not expensive), eating out for the family, school field trips and other school junk for the boys, etc.
I do like to spend money on somethings but most of the time I'm tighter than most!