I had my 7.2k Carrerra de la Mujer race this morning. There were 22,000 women doing the race and they had sections marked on where to stand based on estimated speed (finishing in 25 mins or less, 40 mins or less, 50 mins or less, walking). Well apparently everyone thought a little too highly of themselves and the walkers all went up near the front. Grrr. So after I crossed the finish line I had to walk for abut 4 minutes until I was able to get past all of the walking people and run. So frustrating!
There were even groups of walkers walking with their arms linked - wtf? - so it was even harder to pass. I definitely glared at many a woman as a passed them. And I think it's great to run with your kids...but please get to the back if you and your kids are going to be casually walking and holding hands.
P.S. I'm a lurker coming out of hiding so here's a quick intro. :-) I did c25k a few years ago and failed at running (I walked most of it...) a 5k. I just got back into it this fall and started C25k but switched to C210k and ran a 10k without walking in April. I was super proud. Now my goal is to maintain my stamina and work on speed. My goal is to do a 10k in under an hour - my time was 1 hr. 5ish minutes.
Re: race vent: slow people to the back please
2011-2012 Races
10/29/11 LA RockNRoll Min Half (5K) 42:58
12/4/11 Vegas RockNRoll Half 3:14:53
1/7/12 WDW Half 3:13:42
1/15/12 RnR AZ 2:55:27 (PR!!)
1/29/12 Tinkerbell 1/2 3:22:37 (To many picture stops!lol)
Me:32 DH:33
IFV w/ DE Only Option (On Hold For Now)
haha, i like that.
the linked arms would have pissed me off, for real.
as for the rest of it, i agree with the others. it happens, and we just have to deal with it.
super slow run/walker who starts at the middle of the pack
You took the words right outta my mouth (hands?). The larger the race, the more you should count on and plan for things like that happening...that way, you waste less energy being annoyed
Lesson learned!
I actually felt really bad at my first race (10k). It was small- maybe 300 people, and some people were doing 5k, 10k, half, and full marathon and we all started together. They didn't have places for people to lineup based on speed, so knowing what I've heard from people on here, I tried to line up based on where I thought I would fit in. Well, I was wrong because so many people blew by me at the gun. I guess I didnt take into consideration the fact that the 5k people would be starting way faster than me and there were a lot of them.
The linking arms thing would be annoying, especially at the start before people have kind of spread out.
That stinks. I mostly sign up for smaller races for this reason.
DH has the best weaving around walkers story: He ran a marathon on the 4th of July that merged with the 5K course around mile 16. He got stuck behind a group of walkers 6 people wide who were singing, holding hands, and waving American flags, and when he finally got around them, one of them nearly whacked him with her flag. He asked her to be more careful (probably not in the most polite voice, since it was mile 16 of a marathon), and she flipped out and told him he needed more patriotic spirit.
I agree that you pretty much always have to weave in the beginning of races.... but with big races where there are different waves people can sign up for it's even more annoying. It would always annoy me when I ran the bolder Boulder and there would be people in the 60 min and under (for a 10K) wave that would walk from the beginning. If they were planning to walk, why not sign up for a slower wave or start in the back!
Yeah, it was crazy. They said this is the biggest race they've ever had.