I had too much I wanted to say. ha.
1. Your weekend sounds awesome
Muchas gracias! lol
2. $1M batmitzvah? ridiculous and unnecessary. And buying a teenager a $20K dress? ugh. And I think it was the girl's aunt who said "she would probably get the good grades anyway without all the gifts" and that's what annoys me. I was never bribed to get good grades (or necessarily rewarded). They were expected.
I completely understand, however, chances are that she's so rich she could have just gave her kid all of that without any expectation. Did you see the daughters face when the mom pulled out her all "C" report card?! I think it's better to have some motivation, than none.
3. The nudist family was interesting and their 9 y/o son seems to have a mental problem, imo, and I'm not trying to be rude.
Their whole segment was icky to me. Poor teenager who wanted to wear clothes. LOL
4. While some people think the monster truck for a kid is crazy, I do understand the safety precautions that have to be met. Bull riding, on the other hand, is... not safe.
I'm in complete agreement with all of this.
Re: *Milsey*
*disclaimer: this is not pertaining to every single wealthy individual with money
/end vent about money.
-- the nudes: my friend and I were like "ha! It's because he's a teenager that he wants to wear clothes... I mean, it's hard to hide a boner when you're naked"
-- and I don't care who tries to defend PBR, it's not safe because the animals are unpredictable. After all, their balls are being pinched!
1. I can understand that. I just see shows on MTV
(shutup) and how ridiculously spoiled they are, then when it comes to reading their practically illiterate.
2. Ha! I that would be hard. I just think it's so weird that they would choose to home school their kids when the youngest seems to be struggling with speech impediment and social issues? BTW - what kid doesn't want to be naked all the time? Let's talk to that same kid when he's a teenager. And as far as calling it the same as a religion, IMO, is a little extreme. You just want to NOT wear clothes.
3. I can hardly stand to even watch it. I went to a rodeo once. Never again. Poor bulls.
2. "what kid doesn't want to be naked?" - EXACTLY. I think that's a poor example. But eh... whatevs. I totally think there are the occasional glances to each other
3. I went once too, and there were protesters outside. I didn't understand it until I learned why the bulls acted that way. Now it's not that fun to watch..