ok, so here goes.
dh is driving me nuts. There, I said it. His bday is tomorrow; so last week he decided he wanted a new golf bag. GREAT. I want him to want something specific so I can go buy it. Well we had to go shopping twice last week to look at bags, so he could get it before Saturday for this tournament he was in. Also fine, except that's two evenings of my week shot.
Then he wanted to go see the Avengers with me this weekend. I don't want to see the movie; not interested, I'm sure it's good, but meh. Not My Style. Nope. He keeps pushing and pushing that I go with him; he got discount tickets, so then Sat. afternoon I have to go see this movie.
Which would have been ok except Friday night AND Saturday night the kids had a musical program, that we had to go to. So Wednesday and Thursday nights are golf bag shopping, Friday and Saturday are musicals, and Sat. afternoon I have to go see a movie I don't want to see. Because my dh wants to see it wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiithhhhhhh me. OMG. And Sunday afternoon were the academic awards at 2-4, for the kids. So that's my Sunday, shot to hell. All I wanted this weekend was a couple of hours to myself and I didnt' get it.
Dh, all this time, keeps thanking me for going to see the movie with him but it's in this annoying sort of "aren't you glad I made you go see this awesome movie" sort of way. No, I'm not. I didn't want to go; you pressed, I went. It was fine. Don't make me thank you for making me do something I didn't really want to do.
Meantime my brother is getting chemo; I'm sick with fear for him. I cannot get to him to help; I can't DO anything. My older son is leaving soon, and I'm having a hard time dealing with him leaving. The musical performance included a senior recognition thing, during which I cried in public both times ( how I love that) and was laughingly made fun of by dh and sons, thank you so much all of you.
Dh's bday is tomorrow, meanwhile, and I have to get a couple of things for him and make a cake. Which annoys me no end. For my birthday (last two bdays, actually) I have not had a cake and while this is FINE (and it doesn't kill me, but it kind of stung) dh has done it twice now where it's suddenly 930 on my bday and he wants to make a cake and have me blow out candles because suddenly he feels bad I didn't have a cake. And no, I'm sorry. I don't want to stay up till 11 while you make some cake. Cake goes with dinner. So he's all apologetic about the cake the cake the cake and I'm all ITS OK but please don't make me make you feel better (over and over and over) about you not making me a birthday cake. I feel crappy enough that I didn't get one (last year I didn't get any presents either, and no, I'm not the "don't get me a thing" kind); don't make me make it ok for you to not have done it. I bought you the cake mix, the frosting, the candles, the eggs, the butter; it takes 15 minutes and you know when my bday is. Make the effing thing or not, but don't ask me to make you feel better for not making me one.
And now it's his bday and I don't.want.to.make.him.a.cake. This is a lousy feeling, very tit for tat and this is not in my nature, and I am not going to act on it. I am making a cake for him. I just kind of feel pissy about the whole thing.
We have theater awards this weekend on Saturday; Mother's day is Sunday; ds2's bday is the following Saturday, and graduation and graduation banquet is the day after that. Have to get grad. announcements out this week, and get the party organized, gifts for my stepmom sent tomorrow, and additional scholarship apps out, and and and and and and and. I'm sick of worrying. And dh pops up with "did we get such and such mailed/filed/whatevered?" YES DEAR. "WE" did.
And I realize I should be grateful for a dh who wants to take me to the movies, and bright children who love school and do well there. I'm just annoyed.
Re: Monday whine
Oh. And ds1's Latin teacher (at the awards) asked me what my kid was going to study in college; I said film directing. He made a really mean comment about how it is he's going to never get a job. Thank you so much. effing assshole. I don't have any worries about my son pursuing a fine arts degree in this economy. (sarcasm dripping).
It annoys me to no end when my H (or anybody, really) does this.
I'm sorry you're frustrated, and that there was no cake on your last two birthday. =(
For some odd reason I want cake now.
Sorry you're so frustrated. After all that, I would be feeling the same way.
I say buy him a cake instead of making one. You're not totally being a butthole by NOT giving him a cake at all but you're not going all out of your way to make it yourself either.
Give him a little taste about how he's made you feel.
I'm tired just reading that post. Any chance you can escape on Mother's Day for a few hours for a mani-pedi or something?
DH does this, too, and it pisses me off becuase it's completely about him at that point.
What you wish you said: "Yes, I am sure you know all about that, what with the high demand for Latin and all."
Yeah that's right my name's Yauch!
YES. I was gracious enough not to pitch an effing fit over an admittedly small but sore point, and now I have to make YOU feel better. Jesus.
omg yes! And this was after I'd said something really nice about how important it is for young people to study classical languages, etc etc. Eff you, Dr. Classical Studies from Yale.
Sometimes I just want to say, "Yes you did eff up and I am pissed" but then he'd just be really sad...
To be fair, it's not like there's a really hot market for the classical language majors either. (and plus, your son can always go to law school!).
lol I am making the cake. It's my favorite; the one I didn't get for my birthday. Butter cake with buttercream icing (yes,I'll fall into a sugar coma).