If it's not offered, ASK for the help.
I was stubborn and tried to do too much on my own and later realized that was like the golden time to get help and generally take advantage of offers.
I know everyone told me this, but I felt so weird sitting while others do anything and I'm terrible about asking for help.
Plus, if this is your first, remind yourself that if you choose to have a second, this is the ONLY time you'll have a kid where you wont' have to run after another. You will get sentimental about these first 3 months of insanity, too. Little Miss Independent doesn't snuggle often anymore and the other night could only sleep when she was upright in my arms due to gas - and I actually didn't mind b/c it reminded me of the first month when I got to snuggle her more.
it's an exhausting time and you sometimes feel like, "Ok, I love this kid but holy hell wtf were we thinking and why did we change our lives this much" (I still think that sometimes), but you will get through it.
TAKE The help though. TELL your dh what you need/want. Yes, he may be an awesome dad (as my dh is), but the changes in his life are still quite a bit different than yours and you're dealing w/ a lot. Plus the freaking hormone freakshow going on that you're coping with. (ahem, tamborina)
Anyway, thought i'd remind you. I wish I had been better about it. I was also too overwhelmed and exhausted to post on here for support and I wish I had sometimes to hear from others that it IS tough. (plus if you're pumping &trying to feed on boob, it adds a bit to your exhaustion. ANy of it is tough).
Hide the housework that is bothering you. It's ok, try to let it go and just not look at it. I wish I could find a poem my aunt read at my cousin's shower. It made me tear up b/c I realized i was trying to do too much to keep the house clean so I wouldn't go insane vs enjoying baby time as much as I should. When you get antsy b/c baby is sleeping on you and you can't do anything else at all, just breathe deeply and remind yourself you'll miss it someday. I had to do that a lot since I don't sit still well at all.
Also - if you're looking at bottles/milk storage containers and grossed out by milk fat scuzz that shows up, add vinegar to a soak of the bottles. I learned that pretty late after trying to scrub it a ton. For some reason, those sparkling clean bottles make you feel a lot better. haha.
Re: hey new moms.
oh. did someone else post this recently?
Or did i??? Shiz. I could have, who knows.
Every word is so true. This is the one time to have no hesitations on asking for anything. Help, food, water, a break, anything.