Lets just start out by saying my worst fear during this whole ordeal was crapping my pants! I didn't! Goal #1 - Check!
I have the Jeff Galloway training plan on my fridge that I used for my first half marathon 3 years and 1 kid ago. I followed it loosely the first time around and it worked well for me. My first half time was 2:00:25. My goal was 2 hours. Good enough for me. So, about 3/4 of the way into training, I decided to dig out the sheet of paper and see where I was training-wise. I was half@$$ed following the plan, but this time around had 1 more kid than the previous half I ran and life just got of got in the way of training. In a nutshell I did lots of 5 milers, two 7's, one 9 miler and 1 accidental 10.5 I say accidental because I took off from my mom's one day and just ran. I drove it later and thats what it ended up being. Goal #2 (Somewhat follow a training plan) - Check!
So race day was actually pretty perfect as far as weather goes, it was 50 so degrees, the sun was not out, and not real windy. When the gun went off, I started out and felt great. So great that I thought I should slow down a bit so I didn't over-do it right away. Then, about 2 miles in I felt the gut churning sensation. I would pass a porta potty and it would go away, so I just kept trudging on. My legs felt great, my breathing felt great, just every so often a gut churn would get to me.
I had no spectators of my own, but did see some of my DH's family cheering on their daughter. What an adrenaline boost! They strategically placed themselves throughout the course and it was fun to see them. I kept running on and texted my husband a couple times with things like 5 down, 4 left, 2 to go, etc. I don't think he cared much, but it kind of documented some of my times if I ever take a minute and figure it out.
Mile #10 was brutal, my stomach went crazy. I stopped at a porta potty, had to wait for the guy in front of me to finish and lost probably 3 minutes there. But man, I felt so much better. I caught up to an aquaintance after that and ran with her for a mile or so and at mile 12 got a sudden energy burst and booked it to the end. I crossed the finish line at 1:56:51 or something like that. Goal #3 (To finish the race with a pulse) Check! Goal #4 (To beat my old time) Check!!
So besides the gastro issue, and some chafing, (I'm never running a long distance in Nike Tempo shorts again) I loved every second of it! I've gotten a lot of "Are you crazy's" from various people that are obviously not runners though. I am definitely doing this race next year and would love to do another one yet this summer/fall if I can find one reasonably close.
So thanks H & F for listening to me ramble and for being an inspiration.
A former couch potatoe!
Re: Yet Another Half Recap (PdC, WI Half Marathon)
That's a great time! Nice job!!!
Congrats, that's a great time!
GO! St. Louis Half Marathon-2:32:13
Omaha Half Marathon 9.23.12