I have to sell my house, and am planing on moving back up near my family. This is about my price range (upper end) and it's just me and the pets now, so I really want something smaller than I'm in/have had in the past. I'm not sure how I feel about two dining areas, do y'all think that 'formal" one would be okay as a TV room? So the main LR wouldn't be focused on TV? I rarely watch it, I don't think I've turned it on since DH passed.
And there is no OTR microwave. I know that the past few weeks have not been my normal way of life (I eat maybe once a day?) but I have been using a micro pretty often. I hate when they hang too low b/c they are in a space meant for a hood only. But the house itself is in really good shape, and needs very little done to it.
I'll DD after a day or so, but I really want opinions. I live a very casual lifestyle, I am a gardening freak, and have a small pitbull and two cats. So the yard appeals to me, it has lots of possibility, the main living area is pretty open, nice big windows, and a fireplace. Which I have missed having.
Re: Opinions on house
I like it. It's not huge and the yard is small and manageable, but still big enough.
I'm not a fan of OTR microwaves at all, but I probably have different microwave needs than you. I think that house does probably require a counter microwave due to the height over the stove, but it would certainly be worth looking into. I say go for it!
That floorplan is very popular in the town we moved from. In fact, since that town has practically sprung up over night, that floorplan is maybe 1 in 4 houses in town. It's kinda crazy actually lol.
It's a great plan, very liveable. My first house was about the same sq ft when I was single and it's a really good size. If you love to garden, I think the yard is a good fit for you. I'd go for it. The lack of OTRM wouldn't bother me at all.
I wouldn't set up the formal DR as a den - it'd be a little off-putting right as you walk in. Do you have need for an office or library?
If this helps, here and here and here is the LR from my bachelorette house that had a similar, but not exact floorplan. I put the e-center on the long wall where these sellers have their sectional. (And now you can see why I'm always railing against sectionals lol - there's only one way they work in this house and it's not the best arrangement for the room.)
Lemme know if you have more questions about the floorplan. Thoughts with you, honey.
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The Googlesites Paint Bio
Thinking of doing cosmetic updates to a dated home? These were our costs.
Well, I have a gorgeous antique bookcase that was DH's. hopefully I'll get to keep it...that's a whole other issue.
But it would be pretty in a front office space. My current desk, however is an orange metal one from CB2. Not too awesome looking.But I'm a CL expert, so finding a better one will just take a little patience.
And my sofa is a sectional. Sigh. It worked GREAT in this house, and it was a practically brand new hand me down from my folks. They decided they didn't like the color after the return period was over. I would probably float it facing the fireplace, and put a console on that long wall to the left. Or I suppose the dreaded TV could go there.
I remember loving that house when you posted pix way back, didn't you buy that e-center on CL and have it painted?
Oh my goodness, it's none of my business, but I didn't even begin to think about and can't fathom my husband's family swooping in to ask for items back. What a trial to endure.
Maybe offer the sectional as an add-on for sale with your current house? That way you'd get something for it and the new people might be really attracted to the idea.
And the e-center was from a consignment store and we painted it. I love decor consignment stores!
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The Googlesites Paint Bio
Thinking of doing cosmetic updates to a dated home? These were our costs.
The only reason MIL is still alive is that I have had many people holding me back from killing her. Not only does she have NO LEGAL RIGHTS here, she is totally without tact. I posted a bit on ML about it. My basic feeling is she is minimizing me b/c we were only married 5 years. At least my anger at her gives my something different to focus on occasionally.
Oh well, whatever happens will be what is legal, not necessarily what is fair or what H's intent was. I'm trying not to obsess. I can't control it, and neither can she. I keep repeating this version of the Serenity Prayer...
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.
I'm really sorry about your MIL. This is unsolicited advice so do with it what you will, however, I personally would tell her that I need some time to myself and then ignore her attempts at contact for at least a month. Set your phone to send her straight to voicemail and your e-mail to send her to spam. You don't need any additional stress in your life.
As for the house, I really like it. I think the front room would make a great office and I wouldn't stress about the microwave situation. Maybe you could consider bumping up the cabinets over the oven to allow room for a microwave at some point.
That was my first thought, that she didn't have a leg to stand on, but oh my, what a difficult situation to deal with. That serenity prayer will be your salvation through this I think! It would be mine!
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The Googlesites Paint Bio
Thinking of doing cosmetic updates to a dated home? These were our costs.
I like it! It looks very open, and everything is pretty neutral. The kitchen seems a little narrow, but maybe that's just the pictures. Good luck on your home search and purchase.
I'm very sorry about your dh, and how his family is treating you.
I like it. I really like the floor plan and it looks like it is in good condition. The backyard is great - a clean slate which is great as a gardening freak. For the microwave, you could always get a stand and put a free standing one against the wall in the little eating area (below where the two pictures are hanging).
And I don't know your back story at all, but just wish you the best.
Here are a couple pics of a friend of mine's version of the house (told you everyone has that house lol). You can see his fireplace is different, but here and here is what he did with the LR. (Ignore the corner of a couch in the second one - he had just gotten the new one delivered and the old one was waiting on its CL person to pick up.)
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The Googlesites Paint Bio
Thinking of doing cosmetic updates to a dated home? These were our costs.