Hi there.
I haven't forgotten, and I will still see what kind of boob milk I"ve got if you still want some. I'm at a little bit of a quandary right now where I'm going to stop pumping after this month and I need to calculate roughly how much she's drinking so I save out enough to make it to 1 year. I just don't think I can continue pumping any more, esp not as work gets busy for dh (and partially for me) plus C is SO much on the move, it's harder to do.
Are you still interested?
I'd love to get you some, I just really have to check where I stand on supplies. Towards the end of our trip, C started matching consumption w/ what I was pumping (mostly), so I don't have as much getting stashed as I did before.
And F is SUPER ADORABLE! You have the most gorgeous kids!
SO THRILLED for you.
Re: Jermys
awww, poor kiddo.
No worries. I won't stress about calculating amounts so precisely then. I can always ship to the donation bank once we're done. (I'll use my oldest milk first). That's such a bummer about a dairy reaction.
I hope he outgrows it! I do know a few kids that did outgrow their reactions.