Uno - Last night, I made up dinner menus for the two weeks following this one. I am so damn happy to not have to think about what will be for dinner next week before going grocery shopping Saturday.
Dos - My kid slept for a grand total of 6 hours last night when she usually sleeps 12. 3 of those hours were from 8-11, when we went to bed, and we had no idea all hell was about to break loose. I watched the Jungle Book twice between 1 and 5 AM.
Fin - I don't want to call my brother and invite him over for Mother's Day brunch because his alcoholism continues to piss me off. I will, though, for my mom. I really hope he won't come and will see mom later in the day instead.
Re: Midweek randoms
From where did you get your recipes? I need to start meal planning again. It's easier on the brain and the wallet.
ooh can you share?
My random - I have started getting my eyebrows threaded. It hurts a little more than waxing but my eyebrows look so pretty for about a month!
That is all I have to contribute today.
1. H and KHC pulled the Crazy-Mommy thing last night and I'm still livid about it. That's where they start out being teasing and end up slightly insulting, with the whole Mommy's So Crazy! Mommy Loves Shopping! Mommy Sucks at Video Games! thing. it's irritating in the extreme, and H knows it's irritating and sucky, but he's so busy being flattered by the subsequent Daddy Rules At Video Games! shtick that he doesn't notice.
2. Somebody had better be really g*ddamn nice to me on Mother's Day as a result of this idiocy.
3. To console myself I ordered a massive Caesar salad AND curly fries for lunch. lol.
Updated September 2012.
This made me insanely angry when I was pregnant, and my irritation hasn't worn off.
Last night I was in the car with the kids when "somebody that you used to know" came on the radio.
Jonas: Mommy! This is the song where the guy is all painted and the girl is naked *gigglegigglegiggle* and she's talking to him! While she's naked! *gigglegigglegiggle*
Elliot: You can see her BOOBIES. *moregiggling*
Me: You cannot, Elliot. And it's not really nice to talk about other people's boobies.
Jonas: She should wear a shirt!
Elliot: Or a boobie-holder! *completelylosesit*
Last night I was having a bad anxiety attack and couldn't find my Xanax (which I normally carry around in my purse) and it pretty much pushed me over the edge. I frantically tore my car apart trying to find the bottle only to realize they were in the bag I just switched from.
This whole situation makes me ponder my dependence upon them.