I haven't been around in a couple of months, sorry. I started a new job and it keeps me really busy, hardly any time for bumping. LOL A couple of months ago, my 7yr old tortie, Ruthie, developed a huge swollen belly. The vet said it was free fluid, took a sample and the lab said it was likely cancer as there was no sign of infection in the fluid. The vet's best guess was that there was a mass somewhere, causing the fluid build up. Well all of a sudden, within the last week, the fluid is gone. She's lost some weight as well so she's pretty thin. She's still eating, but throwing up a few times per week (I realize that's the norm for many cats, but not her). She's always been a quiet, reserved cat and I haven't really seen any behavior changes.
I called the vet to see what this could mean, the fluid going away and she has no idea. My friend is a vet tech and she has no idea either. Ruthie goes in 6/9 for her annual check up but I'm just really baffled and thought maybe one of you wise ladies had an opinion? Thanks!