I was not raised to be EF and have, over the past few years and more specifically since having DS, reevaluated the way that I have always done things. We started CDing DS at 7 months of age (except nighttime b/c he leaks through every CD we've tried), I have started using reusable ziploc bags, and I recycle most of my trash and bring it to the recycling station. I know I definitely need to look towards more EF cleaning products. My DH doesn't really get this but he goes along with it since it is what I want.
Anyway, I'm wondering what other tips you have to slowly move our house/lives towards being more EF? Are there websites where I can find ratings on different "EF" products? Any tips/products you can offer would be appreciated.
ETA: oh, and I would love recommendations on body/face products as well as make-up that is more EF
Re: intro and ? on how to be more EF
Hi there. I just wrote a lot of recommendations for moving toward being more EF in the post a couple down. There are some good tips for simple things that don't take a lot of effort while you're starting out.
For face/body products... I use the Oil Cleansing Method for my face. I've been using it for two years now, and my skin has never been healthier. For shampoo, I have been using Nature's Gate. I can find it at my local Whole Foods or Target. I've tried a lot of different options and this is the best one I've found. For body soap, I use some local soap I buy at WF. For hand soap, Dr. Bronner's. I can also find this at my local WF or Target. I'm too lazy for makeup so I'm no help there. :-)
I'm new to this board as well (but not to the nest, despite my join date. I've been around for 6 years).
It was actually my college that got me really dead set on recycling. My parents always recycled glass and aluminum cans (and soda bottles/cans), but at college my eyes were opened up to not only additional things to recycle, but a green way of living. I didn't have a car for those 4 years and walked every where (even to the grocery store and back!). I shopped only locally.. family owned stores and the farmer's market. It is a great way of living. When we have children I'm planning on becoming even more EF.. cloth diapers, homemade baby food, etc.
Just be smart
. Two biggest ones:
1. Remember to always REDUCE and REUSE before you recycle. Plastic water bottles are only really recyclable once - meaning they only really get two lives, so they are never an EF solution. Use the smallest amount of plastic possible - aluminum, paper, and glass can be recycled almost indefinitely. Reduce the amount of packaging, amount of products you buy...and reuse everything you possibly can.
2. Drive less. Live as close to where you/DH work as possible, and try to make your lifestyle a pedestrian one.
About the cleaning products, a lot of those EF products are a scam. You can clean pretty much anything with water, vinegar, and Borax.
Hi! I recently started a blog on living green. I like to think I'm a "shade of green" doing what we can within reason to be more green. One of the things we do that's pretty easy is reusable paper towels. You can read about it here: http://cheapgreenmommy.blogspot.com/2012/05/greener-cheaper-picker-upper.html
I think if you do it little by little it will be easy and you'll want to do more!