my husband and i have very different opinions on sex. i want to change it up and do different things and play games etc but he always wants to do the same thing in the same spot in the same way.i mean its great but i get a little boredc after a while. weve talked about the fact that i want to try different things but the one time we did he didnt take it seriously and i havent felt comfortable suggesting it again. i dont think he even realized how much it affected me. we can talk about anything...except realistically wanting to do something different. he never takes me seriously and always kinda brushes it off and says "oh thats interesting. i dont have anything different i wanna do.
so...any advice?
p.s. hes not a horrible guy. i hope this doesnt come across that way.
Re: different sex styles
No, he isn't horrible. He sounds like he's a man of habit.:)
Sit him down for a nice (it will be long but he doesn't have to know this) talk -- and do it outside of the bedroom.
Try Saturday or Sunday when you and he have down time.
Tell him "Honey, sex with you is fantastic and you're hot as hell -- it would be great if we tried x, y and z" and you insert what you want x, y and z to be.:)
How could he resist when you sell him a product packaged like that?:)
Maybe start with minor ways you'd like to switch it up - a new place or position - rather than everything all at once. When he gets more comfortable with that, he might be more willing to try other things.
Coming out of a sexual comfort zone can be difficult, but he should be willing to try, and talking is the first step.