the 80+ year old man who opened his mouth to me and said the wrong thing. I don't think I've ever been so angry. My blood was boiling.
We went camping this weekend. We forgot a couple things so I drove the 1/2 hour to N Conway to Walmart. Changed T's diaper and put her in the cart. She was not happy. She wanted to walk so she had a super tantrum (kicking, screaming, name it) It was awful! I turned a corner and saw this old man, waited for him to pass and kept going, but he's STARING at T. I see him out of the corner of my eye and noticed he is following me. WTF is this guy doing? was my first thought.
I stop to look at something and he comes up behind me and says "this child is being abused". I laugh it off thinking he just was going to say she's cute and poor baby, blah blah blah. I say, yah she sure is abused!
Nope, he was dead serious! He goes on to say that she is abused, you cant do this to this poor child, you've been running her around this store screaming, and on and on. I'm thinking "excuse me, who are you to butt in??!!!"
I tell him, in my not so nice mamma bear voice.. You will NOT tell me how to raise MY child. You need to mind your own business. Please walk away and mind your own business. This went on for 10 repeating these things and him refusing to leave and saying no he wouldn't leave.
There was an associate nearby who watched the whole thing. She came over and said sir, there is nothing wrong with this child, you need to leave. gave him a little nudge and he finally left. She sided with me as much as she could (considering she was on the clock) which felt nice.
I'm still fuming mad about it. I know he is just a stranger but to say something like that, outrages me. Love my girl to the end of the world and back....and then some!
Re: Had a great weekend, except for...
I would have just kept going after saying exactly what you said. Grrr he's an ass hat for sure!
My abuse story of the weekend LOL We were in Pizza Hut and the bathroom door opened the wrong way. I opened it and tried to move C through it and it closed really fast. It was a lightweight hollow door and it smacked her on the side of the face. She fell to the ground but got back up and said she was fine and continued to the bathroom like it didn't happen. I look behind me and there is this woman with her face filled with horror. I'm like "oops," what the hell lady, I already feel this small for what happened but she is fine and we're moving on with it. I felt horrible!
Make a pregnancy ticker
What a freak. He was probably one of those dads who never changed a diaper or gave a bath, if he ever even had kids.
If he'd seen some of the things my "sweet" little girl has done in public...yeah, I've been known to let her tantrum it out. And she's covered in bruises because she is constantly tripping or crashing into things because she won't slow down or look where she's going. Right now she's locked in her bedroom (with a doorknob cover) because she needs her rest/quiet/nap time and she'd be out in a flash if the door was unprotected. Send me to jail for being the world's worst mom.
Well, we prefer the method of either just holding the door shut or I've been known to try to rig up a method to tie the outside doorknob to another doorknob in the hall to keep it from opening, which makes it hard for even me to get it open. So, I'll fight you for that award!
(You missed the story of J coming downstairs last week to declare "There are those f-ing glasses!" in the cheeriest of cheery voices like he was saying "beautiful" or "crazy." His pronounciation and diction were spot on- even when we had him repeat it a few times in case he was saying "broken" or something else. Nope, total F-bomb. Oops.)
Haven't read this yet, but it was in my inbox and the intro sounded familiar